Sunday, October 2, 2011


Kamal Raj Regmi in Various Dimensions
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Yalamaya Kendra
Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya, Patan Dhoka
January 2, 2013
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Kamal Raj Regmi : in various dimensions

The book was conceived, edited and published
at the initiative of Sandhya Regmi.
Sandhya Regmi
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Kamal Raj Regmi (1990)
Prof. Dr. Govinda Raj Bhattarai
(Chief-editor of the book)
Sandhya Regmi 
(Editor of the book)

Arrival: Kamal Raj Regmi (86 years old)

Kamla Raj Regmi registering at Yalamaya Kendra
(Aarjit Adhikary and Jyoti Regmi at the side)
  Registration of the participants
 Gopikrishna Sharma, Laxman Rajbankshi, Ramprasad Bashistha….   
  Ghanashyam Rajkarnikar among other participants

Mutual Greeting : Kamalmani Dixit & Dr. Tulsi Bhattarai
Dr. Vishnu Pravat & Boondh Rana with Kamal Raj Regmi

Renowned writer Rammani Risal shaking hands with Sandhya  

 Sulochana Manandhar, Kamalmani Dixit, Krishna Prasad Parajuli

 Participants awaiting the arrival of chief guest
 Gurudatta Gyawali arrived from Butwal for the Ceremony

 Sulochana Manandhar, Kamalmani Dixit, Krishna Prasad Parajuli

Dr. Vishnu Pravat, Boondh Rana, Rajeshwar Devkota  

  Madan Ghimire, Mohan Duwal, Gopikrishna Sharma
Gopal Prasad Bashyal arrived from Palpa for the ceremony
Kiran Pathak & Prof. Dr. Jaya Krishna Pathak 
arrived from the USA to participate in the function

Arrival of the chief guest

Kamal Raj Regmi welcoming and greeting Madanmani Dixit

Sandhya Regmi with Artist Erina Tamrakar

Chief person of the function - Kamal Raj Regmi

Chief guest - Madanmani Dixit

Special guest - Kamalmani Dixit

Special guest - Gopal Prasad Bashyal
(President, Palpa Bangmaya Pragya Pratisthan)

Special guest - Sulochana Manandhar

Special guest - Prof. Dr. Govinda Raj Bhattarai

Announcer of the function : Dr. Sudha Tripathi

 Aruna Koirala offering flowers to the chief-guests
Sandhya and Adwiteeya felicitating the guests



Dr. Prakash Raj Regmi giving the welcome speech  


 "Deep Prajjwalan"

Sandya Regmi handing over the book for release

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Madanmani Dixit putting his signature on the book

Kamalmani Dixit signing the book

The chief-editor of the book Prof. Dr. Govinda Raj Bhattarai reading his note of analysis of the book
Renowned Poet Krishna Prasad Parajuli, Sandhya Regmi
& Dr. Tulsi Bhattarai
Patient listeners - Adwiteeya Shiwakoti, Aarjit Adhikary

Ghanashyam Rajkarnikar, Dr. Gyanu Pandey, Dr. Anjana Bhattarai, renowned poet Usha Sherchan and story-writer Padmawati Singh among the participants

renowned story-writer Maya Thakuri, lecturer Lekhnath Pathak, journalist Ishwori Gyawali....

Iroj Shrestha is seen among the participants
Participants exceeded 114 in number

Invaluable speech from academician Sulochana Manadhar

the audience

 Aruna Koirala together with Artist Erina Tamrakar
Aruna Koirala, Hiranya Kumari Pathak, Ananda Dev Bhatta, Ishwori Raj Regmi
 renowned writer Kamalmani Dixit addressing the participants

in cheerful mood....
Story-writer Maya Thakuti, Lecturer & Translator (Eng.) Lekhnath Pathak, Adwiteeya Shiwakoti

Sandhya and Adwiteeya
renowned poet Krishna Prasad Parajuli with Sandhya Regmi

 words of wisdom from the chief-guest

Poet Aruna Koirala reciting the poem "Paila"

Concluding remarks about the book and words of grattitude by Sandhay Regmi


The 2 gems of St. Mary's High School - GangaKarki and
Jyoti Regmi

final notes from the Chairman of the session Gopal Prasad Bashyal (Palpa Bangmaya Pragya Pratisthan)

Upasana Regmi with the books
(Kamal Raj's other books were also distributed at the occassion)

Aama, ma ra Palpa

 Madanmani Dixit ko Lekhandharmita

Bachera lai Aahaar (Nourishment for babybirds)

 Free distribution of the books


 Refreshment after the ceremony

Writer Pushkar Lohani helping himself....

Prof. Dr. Govinda Raj Bhattarai and Dr. Anjana Bhattarai with Beena Hangkhim (from Darjeeling)

Nepalese women writers with the 2 "Kamals" (in the middle)
Kamal Mani & Kamal Raj

Kamal Raj Regmi with Academician Boondh Rana

Sandhya Regmi with Ananda Dev Bhatta

Ananda Dev Bhatta shaking hands with Sandhya Regmi

With journalist Tirtha Koirala of Kantipur TV

A strong bond of friendship
(Kamal Raj Regmi & Dr. Govinda Raj Bhattarai)

 Sandhy Regmi with Gunjan President Geeta Keshari and others

Renowned poet Usha Sherchan embracing Sandhya

Padmawati Singh, Sandhya Regmi, Usha sherchan, Durga Singh (Mrs. Mohan Vikram Singh) with Kaml Raj Regmi
(Maya Thauri seen at the back)
Aruna Koirala and Durga Singh with Kamal Raj Regmi


Sandhya Regmi with renowned literary critic Dr. Gyanu Pandey

Geeta Keshari, Dr. Gyanu Pandey, Sandhya Regmi and Adwiteeya Shiwakoti

Dr. Gyanu Pandey, Sandhya and Adwiteeya

Sandhya and Adwiteey with "Gunjan" founder members
Geeta Keshari and Hiranya Kumari Pathak

 renowned poet Usha Sherchan taking autograph of
Kamal Raj Regmi 
(Shanta Shrestha at the Left)

Words of appreciation from the grateful guests

Jyoti Regmi with Aarjit Adhikary

Regmi family

Group photo of Regmi family

Kamal Raj Regmi with his 5 children
from the book .......

- A Legend of Human Right -
Tracks and Traits of Kamal Raj Regmi
- Dr. Dinesh Raj Shiwakoti
This personal note attempts to review, briefly, the tracks and traits of Kamal Raj Regmi.  
The trails include overview of his childhood, study at Rani Pokhari Schooland participation in Jayatu SanskritumAndolan of 2004 BS, move to Banaras, participation in freedom fight of 2007 BS, association with and activities under the banner of Nepal Communist Party, work under the Panchayat hat, and walks as an independent thinker.
Kamal Raj’s greatest traits are selfless, fearless and relentless leadership in lifelong fight against injustice, suppression, exploitation, and discrimination; and fight for individual freedom, human rights, equitable social system, and prosperity of the nation. A staunch patriot, follower of human welfare-religion, writer, and champion of education, Kamal Raj has persistently demonstrated integrity between his thoughts, actions, and conducts.
His philosophies, propositions, visions are thought-provoking. His simple lifestyle, adherence to nitya-karma, and love for nature are other worth imitating attributes.
I recall my first meeting with Kamal Raj Regmi, when he was in his early seventies, and was having retired life from public activities. What a warm, lively, and cheerful man, I had then thought. It was a cold winter in 1999.
Over the years ever since, I have had, in numerous occasions and environment, direct interactions and communications with him. Each of these activities has been instrumental in providing added insight about his life: his personalities, ideologies, philosophies, and value system, his approaches, his conducts, and his day to day life. His occasional write-ups and interviews in mass-media have also been supplemental in widening my perception on his personality. I must confess, however, that I did not have opportunity to learn fine details on his personality in a systematic way, until I went through bundles of his letters and diaries of 1990s[1][1], and his book on ‘Aaama, Ma ra Palpa[2][2]’.
In this note, I have attempted to reflect my personal impression about his personality.

Clues on what made him the Kamal Raj may be found by looking at the building blocks of his childhood.
Born to father Keshab Raj and mother Punya Kala in 1927 into a religious Brahman-Pundit family in Tansen, Palpa, Kamal Raj spent significant portion of his early childhood in his mawail- Madan Pokhara.
Consistent with his family tradition, Kamal Raj commenced his formal education at the age of five, amidst religious rituals, in the then only language-school in Tansen. His parents had then blessed and wished him to be a great pundit, and had wanted him to inherit the family tradition.
At the age of eight, Kamal Raj was blessed with Gyatri Mantra by renowned balbramchari guru Ratnamani, following which Kamal Raj underwent rigorous training under the guidance and supervision of the guru inguru-ashrama. While in the ashrama, Kamal Raj’s nitya karma (routine activities) included: getting up early in the morning before dawn, taking holy-bath, offering morning prayers, studying Veda, attending utterances of religious books, taking vegetarian meals, and interacting with pundits, intellectuals and devotees.
Based on Kamal Raj’s own recollection, his parents, gurus, and acquaintances would be amazed by his sharp brain, and ability to instantly grasp new things. The dynamic young boy had strong appetite for studies, and also had spellbinding talent. From an early age, he had developed strong sense of what is right and what is wrong.
Studies of a series of religious stories and illustrations helped him reinforce his moral values and ethics. Among others, he was deeply influenced by Upanisad’s character Nachiketa, which helped germinate, into his tender mind, an ambition to do something revolutionary in his life.
Kamal Raj was a rebellious child. Commonly cited example of one of his early rebellious actions is his failed attempt to secretly pluck out a young cucumber from its tree[3][3]. The family ‘rule’ not to pluck out a cucumber until it grows to its fullest form, was not acceptable to the rebel child. He evidently saw no logic waiting for it to grow, while he did not have one to bite. As a child, most, if not all, of us have had similar revolts. What distinguished Kamal Raj from the rest is the spillover of this rebellious character for wider causes.
From his early childhood, he started rebelling against caste based discrimination, against his own family value and tradition. Disobeying the prevailing social practice, he built-up friendship with then-untouchable cast people, mingling with them, and sharing food and water with them[4][4]. His activities prompted local Brahmin circle to socially boycott his family; and his father lost priesthood. However, Kamal Raj stood by his views.
After completing his studies in Tansen, Kamal Raj joined SanskritSchool in Hungi- a few kilometer north-east of Tansen. There, at the age of 14, he directed his first-ever cultural-awareness drama. In the years that followed, this experience became instrumental in his generating waves of cultural awareness in Palpa, by scripting and directing a series of stage performances consisting of dramas and songs.
Rani Pokhari School
In 1999 BS, at the age of 15, Kamal Raj joined Rani PokhariSanskrit Schoolin Kathmandu, spending four years studying there.
The schooling period in Kathmandu was valuable in flourishing his knowledge and confidence. He got exposure to seas of books, journals and publications, and opportunities to interact with fellow-students, gurus, intellectuals, and writers, both within and outside the school.
One of such events, which permanently transformed his personality in later years, is his exposure to the biography of Lenin[5][5]. Kamal Raj’s young brain was instantly magnetized by revolutionary thoughts of Lenin, and particularly by Lenin’s appeal for fight against prevailing injustice, discrimination, and exploitation.
In 2003 BS, while he was in his third year of studies, Kamal Raj played a leading role in organizing the event comprising Saraswati Puja (worshiping of Goddess of Knowledge, Saraswati) and farewell for the senior students. He seized this opportunity to reform traditional programs of the event: firstly he broke the tradition of indulging into bhang-ghotta (a kind of home-grown drug) in the name of Saraswati Puja, and secondly introduced cultural show as a supplementary event of the ceremony.
In the following year, the Sanskrit-students of the Rani Pokhari launched historic Jayatu Sanskritum agitation. The movement was originally intended to reform prevailing education system, demanding improvement in and modernization of the school curriculum by incorporating practically useful subjects, and demanding establishment of Sanskrit college in Nepal. In the event, the agitation expanded to cultural awareness campaign, and ultimately swelled to political proportion.
Throughout the agitation period, Kamal Raj played a crucial role, raising awareness within and outside the school, leading protest parades and rallies, giving speeches, and boycotting classes and examinations. To suppress the agitation, the Rana regime expelled Kamal Raj from the school, along with four other students, and deported them from the Kathmandu valley. More students were expelled in subsequent days. Eventually, the expelled Sanskrit-students played vital role in mapping the political landscape of Nepal for decades.
Upon deportation from the valley, Kamal Raj moved to Banaras to continue with his studies at Banaras HinduUniversity. Banaras was then arguably one of the most popular education destinations for higher education for Nepali students. It was also a political centre for expatriate Nepali students and intellectuals.
Nepali National Congress was then at the verge of split into two groups: a faction led by B P Koirala, and another by Dilli Raman Regmi. Unimpressed by their working style and attitude, Kamal Raj declined to join any fraction. In the days that followed, he witnessed split of the two fractions.
Dissatisfied secretary of the pre-split Nepali National Congress, Puspa Lal Shrestha, subsequently founded Nepal Communist Party on 17 Baisakh 2006 BS, and operated underground. Kamal Raj associated himself with the Nepal Communist Party in the same year, and started taking active roles in political activities, which practically sidelined his dreams of continuing higher studies.
Fight against the Rana Regime
Kamal Raj played a unique role in the freedom fight of 2007 BS against the autocratic Rana regime[6][6].
During the period of the freedom fight, ‘important’ senior leaders- who did not want to risk their life- stayed in India, commanding or assisting fighting fronts from there. Kamal Raj, on the other hand, considered that attaining freedom would be more precious than saving his own life. So, he sneaked to Palpa, and successfully organized a series of peaceful protest-rallies and demonstrations, freeing Palpa from the Rana regime a month earlier than the rest of the country.
Technical aspect of his involvement is also noteworthy. By 2006 BS, he was heavily involved in activities of the Nepal Communist Party. However, the fronts for freedom fight were mostly controlled by the Nepali Congress Party and the Nepali National Congress Party; the Nepal Communist Party had no direct command over it. This did not deter Kamal Raj from his desire to fight against the autocratic regime. He did not hesitate to march under the banner of the Nepali National Congress Party, for the sake of the freedom fight.
In this process, Kamal Raj can be seen to have had three layers: core- consisting of his conscience and deep-rooted desire to liberate the country from the autocratic regime, intermediate layer- consisting of communist ideology, and surface- consisting of the flag of Nepali National Congress Party.
Under the Communist Banner
Kamal Raj worked actively under the banner of the Nepal Communist Party for over 15 years. During this period, he expanded the Party’s organization in western Nepal, masterminded the Kisaan Andolan, and raised voices against prevailing suppressions, discriminations, and unjust system.
Ignoring the standing order to ‘shoot-at-sight’under-the-knee, Kamal Raj engineered and implemented peasants’ awareness movement in Palpa in a peaceful way, which was, at that time, arguably the most revolutionary and influential movements in the country[7][7]. It consisted of raising villagers’ awareness for their right, and of fighting against feudalistic practices and villagers’ exploitation by government officers, tax-collectors, landlords, and lenders. It was then practice to routinely compel the villagers to‘donate’ free labour, fruits, vegetables, milk produces, coal, etc. His movement fought against forgery-practices, tax-exploitation, and slavery; and introduced social reform by such measures as banning gambling.
In 2008 BS, the Communist Party was banned. To suppress his awareness movement, Kamal Raj was jailed for nine months- when BP Koirala was the home minister. Similarly, in an another brutal act of suppression, Kamal Raj was arrested by the devil-minded notorious Badahakim (administrator) of Palpa, Tarak Bahadur Shah, beaten, and dispatched to Jumla for further torturing[8][8]. Unyielding Kamal Raj continued with his mission, despite all acts of suppression.
In the first democratic election of 2015 BS, Kamal Raj was elected as a member of the parliament, under the banner of the Nepal Communist Party. He served the Party as its central committee member and its politburo member.
In 2017 BS, Kamal Raj was arrested again, along with other prominent political leaders, and jailed for next five years, as a political prisoner.
Communist ???
From his early childhood, Kamal Raj had a revolutionary mindset. This got reinforced during his schooling years in Kathmandu, after reading Lenin’s biography. Later, when he moved to Banaras, he met pioneer leaders of the Nepal Communist Party, associated himself with the Party, adopted Marxism-Leninism as his working principle, and made a long march through the track of communism.
For him, communism meant a platform to fight against prevailing discriminations, suppressions, exploitations, and injustices, and to realize human rights, and to instate just and equitable society.
However, he did not blindly and wholly submit himself to communism in its totality. Kamal Raj could not simply contain his conscience within the framework of communism. His testimony reveals that he was unable to digest the communists’ condemnation of spiritualism[9][9], and was deeply influenced by Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy, conduct and good manners[10][10].
The influence of the Gandhi’s philosophy in Kamal Raj’s trait is self-evident in all walks of his life. Kamal Raj always adopted peaceful means while working towards his goals of revolutionizing political and social system in the country.
In 2007 BS, while the Nepali Congress adopted armed-struggle against the Rana regime, Kamal Raj embraced peaceful demonstrations. In 2008 BS, while he was being escorted by armed soldiers to Jumla with an apparent intention to torture him, Kamal Raj instantly rejected a plot proposed by teacher Rai to overpower the solders- which, had it been implemented successfully, could have led to his escape[11][11]. Similarly, during Palpa’s Kisaan Andolan, Kamal Raj prevented Rabilal from executing his plot to kill a local feudal Rukmangda, and convinced Rabilal to join the peaceful protest[12][12].
Under the Panchayat Hat
After his release from the jail, Kamal Raj worked under the Panchayat system from around the end of 2021 BS to 2036 BS. During this period, he induced reforms in the system.
His entry into and work for the Panchayat system and the late King Mahendra, has been a topic of hot debate, both inside and outside the political circle. An extremist school of thought has gone as far as saying that it would have preferred see him dead in the jail as a communist leader, instead of see him work for the Panchayat system- so that country could have a communist-god, and a communist-shield[13][13].

Another school of thought, consisting of purported purists, has criticized the entry as a fall from Kamal Raj’s long-held communist ideology.
Prima facie, the hat one wears may provide a little glimpse of one’s personality trait. However, the hat test could be deceptive in its entirety. A devil does not transform into an angel merely by wearing a golden hat, and vice versa. The reasonable test of one’s personality trait demands a thorough evaluation of one’s actions (including omissions), behaviors, and thoughts, having regards to all prevailing circumstances.
Kamal Raj has made self-review of his position on the matter[14][14]. He has admitted that he did feel political-pain and was heavy-hearted while working under the Panchayat hat. However, due to the efforts of persons like him having political culture and character, Panchayat had been able to sail through the channel of reform and of equation, by embracing certain extent of political character, and by departing from the politics of bloodshed. Kamal Raj had played crucial role in avoiding, mitigating, and pacifying physical attacks on leaders and activists of then-banned political parties. Communist political activist and renowned writer Modnath Prasit, for example, has revealed that Kamal Raj had indeed saved Prasit’s life from a plot to kill him in prison.
Consistent with his conscience-religion, Kamal Raj never submitted to the Panchayat system, and always countered the path of hardliners. No wonder, the Panchayat rulers, throughout, viewed him as a person maintaining communist thought and character. Additionally, he had special place inside him for revolutionary activists, which is evident from the fact that he frequently provided shelter (as hideout) or financial support to under-ground communist activists.
His respect for banned political parties remained intact. In fact, he was aware of the importance of accommodating all political parties within main-stream politics. To that end, he had made several attempts to liberalize the Panchayat system which could embrace all political parties. However, his attempts were crushed by hardliners.
Proposition onHuman Right
His proposition on humanity, human right and human values are boundless.
Kamal Raj avers that personal freedom coupled with human rights and values, being the cornerstone of human civilization, stand above and beyond any boundary: any religion, philosophy, principle, –ism, social boundary, or national boundary[15][15].
He has rejected suppression of these virtues under any pretext, and has fought lifelong to realize his proposition.
A steadfast patriot and thinker of nation’s well-being, Kamal Raj’s view on Nepal and Nepali are admirable:
My views on the nation squarely fit with the thinking of every well-informed and prideful Nepali. In line with every Nepali’s wish, may this nation- which is as dear and as big as eye’s pupil- remain safe and be reputable, and may Nepali people and society prosper in all dimensions.[16][16]

Kamal Raj has expressed grave concern over increasing foreign power-plays, endangering national freedom and sovereignty of Nepal. In the context of economic blockade imposed by the Government of India against Nepal in 2046 BS, Kamal Raj has criticized the policy of regional hegemony embraced by India-that could endanger Nepal’s national freedom and sovereignty.
He points out that to thwart such unreasonable and unacceptable pressures from international power-centres, and to protect and fortify national identity, Nepal and Nepali must work hands-to-hands garnering credible self-confidence, and accomplishing and preserving Nepali society bearing national character.
After the fall of Panchayat system, Kamal Raj distinguished himself by declining to be associated with any political party. Instead, he devoted his time as an independent thinker. His statements, analyses, and opinions on various issues are thought-provoking.
Reviewing the situation after the people’s movement of 2046 BS, Kamal Raj points out at two fundamental problems hindering reform in Nepal’s political, social and economic fronts. They are: Lack of political culture, and of capable leadership.
As a result, he sees the country spinning in the wrong direction: political powers have been abused in accomplishing vested interests of certain individuals and groups, and in consolidating bases of their power and position. Extent of suffering of poor people has not lessened, but increased; human right remains grossly abused; exploitation of weak class and cast people continues unabated.
His timeless thoughts and analyses such as this, made some two decades earlier, remain equally relevant today.
A visionary political analyst, Kamal Raj advocates that the existing political systems in the world, namely capitalism and communism, are neither justifiable not sustainable in preserving and fostering socially just and equitable political structure, because each of these systems comprises many fundamentally-faulty building blocks[17][17]. He points out at the necessity for evolution of justifiable and sustainable political system capable of embracing and fostering equitable society.
Rating for BP Koirala
Kamal Raj has given incredibly high marks to BP Koirala’s political capability. He maintains that:
BP Koirala’s political capability was higher than those of Ganeshman, Girijha and Krishna Prasad combined together.[18][18]
However, he has also pointed out that the ‘great’ BP did not have greatness in accepting Nepali communists as part of the national political equation. Thus, in the context of people’s movement of 2046 BS, Kamal Raj states:
Had BP been present, people’s movement of 2046 BS would probably not have gone in joint form between the congress and the communists; Ganeshman’s leadership was critical for the success of the movement.[19][19]
Kamal Raj has profound interest in literature writing. His early day contributions to Nepali literature have been through write-ups in newspapers and magazines.
His first book, Aama, ma, ra Palpa, is a classic literature of historical importance, which provides first hand information and insights on historical accounts of Kamal Raj, Magarat-Palpa, and the Kisaan Andolan.
In his second book, consisting of his letters and diaries, Kamal Raj has mentioned that he could have written Mahabharata, had he devoted his time in literature-writing, instead of spending time writing for political institutions[20][20].
Obviously, his letters and diaries were neither meant to be Mahabharatanor could be construed so. However, one may trace analogy between his letters and diaries and Mahabharata in a transformed form: this literature does contain reflections of today’s real-life-war situations, where the writer has played the role of today’s Krishna, teaching in out-of-classroom situation and doing all that a responsible father could possibly have done under the circumstances, to help his Arjun-daughter win the war.
His third book, Madanmani Dixitko Lekhandharmita[21][21], involves analysis and explanation of renowned writer Madanmani Dixit’s Madhabi. Through this book, Kamal Raj has brought into light the personality of Dixit. This book has established and Kamal Raj as a capable literature analyst.
A Living Library
Kamal Raj has not only created the history of Nepal, but also has served as a living-library of this history. Tracks made by him in such events as in Jayatu Sanskritum movement, freedom fight of 2007 BS, Peasants’ awareness movement, and fights for freedom and human rights, have placed him in a matchless position, in recording pages of these histories.
He has played crucial role by serving as a source of such historical facts, records, recollections, and analyses to a number of researchers, scholars, and inquisitive minds[22][22].
Champion of Education
Staunch advocate of education, Kamal Raj has actively campaigned for access to quality education for all in the society. During his years of service as a chairman of governing board of Siddhartha VanasthaliSchool in Kathmandu, he led the institution into the path of prosperity by enhancing its quality, and by making it accessible to socially disadvantaged students. Similarly, his contributions in Palpa, in various forms, in promoting quality education and in improving its access to all, have been remarkable[23][23].
He has not only advocated the importance of being educated, and encouraged people to educate their children; he has gone to the extent of sheltering acquaintances’ children at his home under his guardianship, sending them to school, and coaching them. This shows integrity between his doctrine and his deed.
Kamal Raj is not a blind follower of religious faith. Nor does he reject it outright. He believes in spiritual thinking and religious belief guided by self-conscience, and advocates in utilizing these virtues in promoting and protecting human civilization. He equates realizing Shaivism with leading life full of good moral character[24][24].
He sees merits in living a cultured life to merely holding cosmetic degrees, and in being humane to being famed.
Seeing disparity in life between extremes of rich and poor makes him feel suffocated. Not exhausted by his life-long fights against unjust system, even at his seventies and eighties, he engages himself helping needy people in whatever manner and extent he can, and appeals his own family members and others to help needy people, taking it as a welfare-religion.
Kamal Raj is a cheerful man, full of life and of warmth. He is sensitive, interactive, receptive, and frank person.
His incredibly simple, remarkably active, and resolutely disciplined lifestyle is perceptible even to a distant observer.
His nitya karma include taking bath, and doing yoga and meditation. He does not compromise in daily-bathing under any pre-text: such as water being cold, he being sick, or some urgent matter snatching his bath-time. Even at the face of water-shortage, he never misses his daily-bath. To cope with such eventuality, he has devised a summary-bath technique, which requires as little as two-mugs of water. This secret involves, as revealed in his diary[25][25], using one-mug-full of water to soak from top to bottom part of the body, scrubbing all parts of the wet body, pouring the second mug of water to all over the body again, scrubbing once again, and finally drying the body up with a towel.
He sees his nitya karma, including daily bath, yoga, and meditation, as integral part of his lifelines. He believes that sticking to these routine activities is crucial for leading physically, mentally, and psychologically healthy life.
He has researched on these issues, synthesized them, realized them, practiced them, and trained or encouraged others to follow them.
He has expressed his wish to serve his native country Palpa by running centres for yoga, meditation, and naturopathy, in a form of charity.
His letters and diaries reveal him involved in doing routine household works, from shopping and paying utility bills to repairing bathrooms. His means of travel in Kathmandu Valleyhave mainly been public bus and tempo, while use of taxi has been reserved to cater difficult situations.
He gets personally involved in taking care of sick relatives and acquaintances when needed or in sitting for patient at hospital, regardless of his own health condition.
For a person who undertakes the task of helping others as his ethical-religion, his own necessities are incredibly slender. He describes his main necessities as blank papers, ink, pen, books and some newspapers[26][26]. I have not noticed any traceable change in this list over the years.
Nobody is perfect in this world. Kamal Raj neither purports to be perfect man, nor takes this as an excuse to justify his weakness. Rather he gives high importance to the exercise of patiently reviewing one’s past works, accepting mistakes and weaknesses, if any, and making corrections or improvements as and where necessary and possible. He has observed this doctrine in practice. Some of his self-recorded reviews include, unhappiness for not being able to complete his studies, regret for not being able to contribute to Nepali literature, regret over alcoholic habit, etc.
His self-studies and resulting knowledge in vast areas of philosophies, religions, humanities, and literatures are amazing. He did not receive any formal education in English language, and did not join any informal classes either. However, he can, and does, speak English, read English newspapers and literatures. At times, he has even taught English to high school student[27][27].
He has long got rid of the alcoholic habit. Based on his own observation-experience of negative effect of alcohols and narcotics in the society, he has advocated necessity to ban use of such harmful substances as a conduct- religion.
Passion for Nature
Kamal Raj’s passion for nature is marvellous. He has incessantly advocated for and proactively participated in trees planting activities throughout the country. For him, flower gardening is more than a hobby. It is his one of the religions. He loves visiting nurseries, collecting flower-plants, planting them in his own garden, and spending hours with them.
He believes that even plants should be taken care of as if they were one’s own children, and spends hours in nursing the plants. When he sees his garden blossom, waves of his joys spring to infinity, as he visualizes the garden transform into a piece of heaven.
Kamal Raj feels as if his heart is being pulled out, when someone plucks out flowers from the garden. He disagrees in taking out flowers, even in the name of offering them to God:
Blossom of garden marks arrival of God. I do not see any meaning in deserting the garden by plucking out its flower to offer to God.[28][28]
Focal Point
As a school student, Kamal Raj led the historical Jayatu Sanskritumagitation demanding reformation of education system. He did not hesitate to put his own life at stake by leading peaceful front from Palpa during the freedom fight of 2007 BS. He masterminded and implemented peasant’s awareness campaign in Palpa, ignoring shoot- at- sight orders. As a communist leader, he worked towards the goal of attaining just social system, while declining to contain himself within the frameworks of communism. While in the Panchayat system, he worked without losing his conscience and induced reform to the system.
During the course of his life-journeys, no matter how tough, diverse or complicated trails Kamal Raj has passed through, all the trails of his journeys invariably merge to a fundamental point. He has relentlessly, selflessly, and fearlessly fought against all kinds of exploitations, suppressions, and discriminations, and worked towards achieving individual freedom, human rights, equitable social system, and prosperous nation. Throughout, he has chosen the path of non-violence, led by examples, and guided by his conscience-religion-always blending his conducts and actions with his thoughts. A die-hard patriot and visionary thinker, his philosophies, propositions, visions are thought-provoking.
Kamal Raj Regmi is an unbeatable legend and a national pride of Nepal.

 [1] KR Regmi and S Regmi, Bachera lai aahar (DRS, Kathmandu, 2068 BS). [2] KR Regmi, Aaama, Ma ra Palpa (Bangmaye Pragya Pratisthan, Palpa, 2066 BS).
 [3] Regmi, op.cit. p.53-55.
 [4] Regmi and Regmi, op.cit. p.336-337.
 [5] Regmi, op.cit. p.130-132.
 [6] ibid p.147-151, 152-161.
 [7] ibid p.169-198.
 [8] ibid p.162-168.
 [9] ibid p.132.
 [10] ibid p.99-100.
 [11] ibid p.164-165.
 [12] ibid p.176.
 [13] ibid p.32.
 [14] Regmi and Regmi, op.cit. p.89.
 [15] ibid p.88.
 [16] ibid p.219.
 [17] ibid p.208.
  [18] ibid p.245.
  [19] ibid p.92.
 [20] ibid p.89.
 [21] KR Regmi, Madanmani Dixitko Lekhandharmita (PRR, Kathmandu, 2068 BS).
 [22] For example, Regmi and Regmi, op.cit. p.202.
 [23] Regmi, op.cit.p.212-218.
 [24] Regmi and Regmi op.cit. p.72-75.
 [25] ibid p.280.
 [26] ibid p.128.
 [27] ibid p.212.
 [28] ibid p.274.

  Kamal Raj Regmi
- A Modest Recollection-
- Aarjit Adhikary
A person can garner fame through several means- propaganda, insurgency, or even anarchism. Sometimes, it is difficult to delineate one’s fame, since one’s norms and qualities are beyond articulation. Personages flood our mind: Ernesto Che Guevara, Nelson Mandela, or Aung San Suu Kyi? For me, it is Kamal Raj Regmi, who not merely employed some of these means, but embraced it with sheer honesty and spirit.
Kamal Raj Regmi is a man with relentless curiosity, caliber and perseverance. He stands courtly today, at the age of 86. It is not erroneous for one to think that with senescence, comes social withdrawal. However, it is astounding that he still evinces inquisitiveness toward modern theories. He once said that the universe constituted of five basic elements (the Panchamahabhutas)- earth, water, fire, air, and space. At first, his avowal did not quite persuade me to mutual agreement; albeit, his readiness to accept it as an ancient paradigm of the modern Periodic Table left me in awe. Without a doubt, his zeal to grasp contemporary theories of space and the universe blatantly portrays him as a man who confidently greets the future with a resolute sense of hope and optimism.
As a learned man, he endowed me with lessons of global history, politics, culture, and literature. Sometimes a ‘Nazi’ of formal diction, he had an aversion to my colloquialism in writing. Nevertheless, his former sternness in language now appears to be prolific, and will always strive me towards perfection.
Kamal Raj Regmi’s belief in the pursuit of knowledge has always been an inspiration to me, be it in academics, or in practice. Many a times, I have heard him say that a person with knowledge leads a life in resplendence. With his blessing and assertion, I move forward, into the realm of Medical Sciences, aspiring to return to him someday, and say, “Hajurbuwa, I have earned my degree.”
cfpg] cgGt o'u;Dd of] k|sfz:tDe rlDs/xg]5
8f= uf]ljGb/fh e§/fO{

cfh Pp6f cK7Øf/f] sd{nfO{ ;xhtfk"j{s :jLsf/]sf] 5' . Tof] sd{ xf] >L sdn/fh /]UdL ljifos u|Gysf] ;Dkfbg . To;f] t d}n] ljutsf jif{x¿df w]/} 7"nf— xl/ uf}tdsf] ´fkf lbUbz{g, k|ltef lgs]tg bdssf] k"jL{o lrGtg k/Dk/f,s[i0frGb|l;+x k|wfgsf] cf/Decl3sf zAbx¿, df]xg sf]O/fnfsf] l;d;f/sf /fhb"t, cle ;'j]bLsf] lgaGwdf pQ/jtL{ sfnv08 h:tf ljlzi6 u|Gysf] ;Dkfbg ug{] ;f}efUo kfPsf] x'F . tL sd{af6 s]xL cg'ej cfh{g u/sf] klg x'F . t/ >L sdn/fh /]UdLHo"sf] hLjg / pxfFsf sd{nfO{ ;D´]/ ltgLx¿sf] JofVof / ljZn]if0fdf n]lvPsf] k|:t't u|Gy d]/f] lgldQ cln gf}nf] ePs}n] d}n] cK7Øf/f] dfg]sf] lyPF .

Pslbg ;GWof /]UdLn] o;sf] k|:tfj /fVg'x'Fbf d}n] cfkm"nfO{ cK7Øf/f]df k/]sf] ;lD´PF . To;eGbf klxn] d}n] pxfFs} cg'/f]wdf >L sdn/fh /]UdLHo"sf] dbgdl0f bLlIftsf] n]vgwld{tf zLif{s ;dfnf]rgf ;ª\u|xdfly ;dLIff n]v]/ a'´fPsf] lyPF . pQm ;dfnf]rgf -dxfg\ ;|i6fsf] dfu{ lrgfpg ;dsIfL ;dfnf]rs dfq ;fdYo{ /fVt5g\_ k|:t't u|Gydf g} ;dflji6 5 . d}n] tf pxfFk|ltsf] d]/f] ;b\efj / st{Jo oltn] k"/f xf]nf eGg] 7fg]sf] lyPF t/ ljb"ifL ;|i6f ;GWof alxgLsf] cg'/f]w ylkof]— d}n] ;ª\u|xsf] klg ;Dkfbg u/f}F . ;GWofl;tsf] d]/f] e]6 / >L sdn/fhHo" ;Fusf] kl/roaf/]df klg d}n] ;f]xL /rgfdf v'nfPsf] 5' .

To;kl5 ;f] k|:tfjsf] 8f= k|sfzn] klg cg'df]bg ug{'eof] . of] pxfFx¿sf] kfl/jfl/s ;Nnfx lyof] . ;a} /rgfx¿ ;ª\sng ul/;s]kl5 dnfO{ lhDdf nufpg'eGbf klxn] cfkm" leotgfd p8\g'eGbf klxn] Ps ;fF´ ;GWofn] cfˆgf lktfhL;Fu ;d]t d]/f] ;Dks{ u/fpg' eof] . 6]lnkmf]gdf af]Nof}F . ebf}sf] klxnf] ;ftfdf pxfF c:j:y eP/ ;'lt/xg' ePsf] lyof] . c:ktfn hfg] tof/L lyof] . tf klg dnfO{ of] sd{ pxfFn] klg ;'Dkg'eof] . e/] ;'g]F pxfFn] d}n] 6]lnkmf]gdf af]n]sf] Tolt /fd|/L ;'Gg ;Sg' ePg 5 . tyflk of] sd{ To;/L cl3 al9/x]sf]af/] cjut x'g'eof] . pxfFx¿n] ddfly ljZjf; ;'Dkg' eof] .

of] sd{ :jLsfg{ dnfO{ nfu]sf] ;+sf]rsf] ;DaGwdf d}n] d]/f] /rgfdf klg pNn]v u/]sf] lyPF— Pp6f leGg e"uf]nsf leGg Ifdtfsf cToGt} nfdf] Oltxf; af]s]sf JolQmTj;Fu ulx/f] ;+ut gePsf] dflg; d s;/L of] sd{dfly Gofo ug{ ;sF'nf h:tf] nfu]sf] lyof] . t/ ;GWofn] k|fKt ePsf /rgfx¿sf] ;Dkfbg u/L To;af6 af]w ePsf] tYo n]lvlbg'xf]nf egL dnfO{ ;lhnf] kfl/lbg'eof] . geGb} o;sf] k|f¿k ;a} /rgfx¿sf] ;ª\sng, 5gf}6 / qmd cflb ;a} pxfFn] g} ul/;s]sf] lyof] . k"j{ tof/L cj:yfsf] u|Gy ;'Dk]/ pxfF leotgfd p8\g'eof] .

t/ To;kl5 klg c¿ k|fljlws sd{x¿ afFsL lyP . o;sf] efiff z'4L u/fpg >L g]q kf}8]nnfO{ u'xf/] . To;sf] s/]S;gdf ldngnfO{ u'xf/]F, To;kl5 o;sf] ;]l6ª / l8hfOgdf sf}zn efOnfO{ nufPF . cToGt} xtf/df Ps k|sf/n] cw}o{ x'Fb} cg]s sfdx¿sf] rfkdf o;sf] tof/L ug{'kg{] eof] . 8f= k|sfzn] klg cfˆgf] /rgfsf ;fy} cGoaf6 klg pknAw u/fpFb} l5§} ;DkGg u/fpg] cfsfª\Iff k|s6 ug'{eof], t/ Pp6f u|GynfO{ /fd|/L lrNofP/ ;a} a'´]/ a'´fP/ k7gLo :t/df k|:t't ug{' slt sl7g sfo{ x'G5 . To;}a]nf dnfO{ ;flxTo ;Dd]ngsf] lbNnL ofqf cfOnfu]sf] lyof] . ToxfF k|:t't ug{] sfo{kqdf lyPF . ToxfFaf6 kms{]kl5 klg k"j{ tfKn]h'ªdf x'g] ;flxTo ;Dd]ngdf ;xefuL x'g' clgjfo{ lyof] . ToxfF k|:t't ul/g] uf]i7Lkqsf] ;d]t tof/L lrGtfn] ubf{ d lgs} ´6fl/Psf] lyPF tyflk Pp6f cfb/0fLo JolQmdfly n]lvPsf /rgf ;+:d/0fx¿, pxfFsf hLjgj[Q / sd{dfly cWoog ug{] df}sf;d]t k/]sfn] d}n] ;do ldnfP/ sfd ug{] cfF6 u/]F . To;kl5 k|]dn] k9]F . lh1f;f / cfgGbn] k9]F .

k|:t't u|Gydf sdn/fh /]UdLHo"sf] hLjgLsf] rrf{ ubf{ pxfFsf] /fhgLlt kIfn] g} Hofbf dxŒj k|fKt u/]sf] 5 . of] :jfefljs klg 5 . lsgeg] pxfFsf] hLjgsf] pmhf{zLn k"j{jo d"ntM /fhgLltdf, /fhgLlts ;DnUgtfn] b]zsf] efUo abNg ;lsG5 ls eGg] lrGtfdf Hofbf ;dlk{t b]lvPsf] 5 . o;df pxfFsf ;dsfnLg, ;djoL, pxfFsf kl5Nnf k':tfx¿b]lv ev{/sf;Dd pxfFnfO{ hfGg] / k9\g]x¿ sltko l;4fGtjfbLx¿ x'g'x'G5 . jfddfuL{, /fhfjfbL, cGo /fhg]tfx¿ ;a};Fusf] ;DjGw 5 . b]zsf] lrGtf ug]{n] ;defjn] b]zsf] lrGtf ug]{ ;a}l;t e]6\g'kg]{ /x]5 .

>L dbgdl0f bLlIftsf] ;+:d/0f cfn]vdf k~rfotsfnLg zf;g Joj:yfdf cfˆgf] / sdn/fhaLrsf] ;Dks{ x'g] sf/0f, To;sf] kl/0ffd / To;sf] /fhgLlts k[i7e"ld dfly k|sfz 5 . o;}u/L sdndl0f bLlIftHo"sf] 5f]6f] cfn]v k9\bf pxfF /fhgLlteGbf 6f9f /x]/ ;flxTon] dfq c¿nfO{ lrGg] k|j[lQsf] JolQm b]lvg'x'G5 . To;}u/L ;'sGof jfOjfn] lgd{nl;t lxdlvd ePsf lbg ;D´]/, /fddl0f l/;fnn] Pp6f ;Hhg / ;ª\nf l5d]sL ;|i6fnfO{ ;D´]/, df]xgljqmd l;+xn] afdkGyL /fhgLlt;Fu hf]l8Psf] nfdf] Oltxf; ;D´]/, gf/fo0fk|;fb zdf{n] ctLtdf e]6 ePsf] k|]/0ffsf] ;|f]tnfO{ ;D´]/ ;+:d/0ffTds cfn]v tof/ kfg{' eof] . aLrdf e]l6g]x¿ 3gZofd /fhfsl0f{sf/, ljgos'df/ s;h" / c´} k'/fgf hutaxfb'/ hf]zL h:tf cg]s /fli6«o prfO k|fKt JolQmTjn] b]v]sf, lrg]sf sdn/fhnfO{ cfpg] k':tfnfO{ lrgfPsf 5g\ . s'g} ;D´gf 5g\, s'g} z'esfdgf 5g\, s'g} tf pxfFsf] krf;Lcf}F hGdlbgsf] pT;jdf ul/Psf >4f, z'esfdgf / k|]dsf k|:t'lt ck{0f 5g\ .
o; u|Gyn]> L sdn/fh /]UdLnfO{ klZrdL g]kfndf jfdkGyL ljrf/wf/fsf] ;+:yfks, k|rf/s, lrGts / ;f]xL l;4fGtcg';f/ ;lqmo hLjg cf/De ug{] Ps lgi7fjfg JolQmsf ¿kdf klg lrgfPsf] 5 . hLjgsf] dWoefudf cfPsf] /fhgLlts kl/jt{g To;lt/sf] ;DnUgtf, km]l/ To;kl5sf] pbfl;gtf h:tf ;a} sd{sf] dflg;n] cfcfˆgf] cle?lr / b[li6sf]0f cg';f/sf] JofVof / ljZn]if0f u/]sf 5g\ t/ dnfO{ nfUb5 k|To]s JolQmn] ef]Ug] jf k|s6 ug]{ k|]d / lgi7f, elQm / cf:yf sltkN6 efFlrG5g\, sltkN6 hf]l8G5g\ o;nfO{ ;xh lng' kb{5 . dflg;nfO{ kl/l:yltn] lgx'/fO /xG5 . lgx'l/Fb} km]l/ pleFb} ug'{kg]{ /x]5 . cl3Nnf] ;+:yfks k':tfsf ;a} /fhgLlts sfo{stf{x¿n] ef]u]sf] si6nfO{ pgLx¿n] u/]sf] ;ª\3if{nfO{ clxn]sf zAbn] a'´fpg ;Sg] 5}gg\ . slt lanog eP, slt 8f= /fdk|;fb 1jfnLn] eg]´}F ckjlt{t -8fOe6{]8_ eP, slt lgi7fd} ;dfKt eP . ltg}dWo] Ps pxfF x'g'x'G5 .
o; u|Gysf clwsf+z /rgfsf] ;f/tÎj 8f= k|sfz/fh /]UdLåf/f ;Dkflbt sdn/fh /]UdLsf] cfdf, d / kfNkf u|Gydf clelnlvt, To;kl5 5f]/L ;GWof;d]tn] n]v]sf] ar]/fnfO{ cfxf/ u|Gydf ;+s]ltt clg glhsaf6 b]lvPsf / ;'lgPsf sdn/fhsf] lrq / rfl/lqs/0f /x]sf] 5 . t];|f] s[lt dbgdl0f bLlIftsf] n]vgwld{tfdfly rflxF Pp6f dfq /rgf lgld{t / oxfF ;+slnt 5 . of] pxfFsf] k|fl1s ;flxlTos kIfsf] cf+lzs pb\3f6g xf] . ;f/f+zdf ;ª\slnt /rgfdWo] s]xLn] pxfFsf] jf}l4s k|fl1s JolQmTjnfO{ klg 5f]Psf 5g\ . ;a}s'/fsf] cfwf/ pxfFsf tLgj6f s[lt -cfdf, d / kfNkf, ar]/fnfO{ cfxf/ / dbgdl0f bLlIftsf] n]vgwld{tf_ g} x'g\ . To;sf] cltl/Qm pxfFsf] ;+utaf6, Jojxf/af6 c¿n] cg'ej u/]sf s'/f 5g\ . To;sf cltl/Qm ;a}n] pxfFn] lbg'ePsf] ;+:sf/, b]vfpg' ePsf] lgi7f / kfl/jfl/s j[Qsf] rrf{ u/]sf 5g\ . pxfFsf sd{n] ;dfh;]jL efjn] kfNkf If]qnfO{ pHofnf]tkm{ n}hfg u/]sf] jGbgLo k|oTgsf] klg rrf{ u/]sf 5g\ . Hofbf n]vg, ;+:d/0f / d"Nofª\sg /fhgLlts]Gb|L g} 5 . t/ ;a}sf] lgrf]8 eg] pxfFsf] lgi7f / cf:yfn] el/Psf] hLjgsf] ;fbuL lrq g} /x]sf] 5 eg] csf{]tkm{ s]xL ljz]if /rgfn] pxfFsf] ;flxlTos, l;h{gfTds / cfWoflTds÷af}l4s kIfnfO{ klg 5f]Psf 5g\ . d]/f] ljrf/df rflxF Tof] g} pxfFleqsf] Ps uDeL/, k|f}9tfn] l;l~rt, hLjgsf] ;f/ af]w ug]{ pRr JolQmTj xf] .

clwsf+z /rgf :d[ltlrq 5g\ . cfkm" s'g 7fpFdf sdn/fhl;t e]6 eof], s;/L lrlgof], To;kl5sf] hLjg ofqf stf df]l8of] s:tf] eof], Tof] ;DjGw/]vf To;kl5 s;/L sf]l/of] cflb . o;f] ubf{ slt ;+:d/0fsf/n] cfˆgf] klg hLjgLj[Q k|:t't ug{], af]Ng] Pp6f :k];sf] k|of]u u/]sf 5g\— h:tf] nId0f /fhj+zL . slta]nf o:tf ;+:d/0f cfˆgf x'g\ ls cg';Gw]o JolQm dflysf egL 5'§Øfpg d'lZsn kg{] 7fpF klg cfPsf 5g\ . Pp6f 7"nf] j[If jl/kl/sf cGo j[Ifn] To;l;tsf] ;DaGw, b"/L, h/f / kft;Fusf] gftf ;DjGw vf]n]sf 5g\ . clwsf+z t pxfFsf ;dsfnLg g} x'g'x'G5 . sf]xL ldqjt, sf]xL gftfuf]tfsf, Hofbf /fhgLlt–lrGtgn] hf]l8Psf x'g'x'G5 . >L Zofdk|;fb zdf{, dbg/fh l3ld/], 8f= s[i0fh+u /f0ff, ;"o{jxfb'/ >]i7, nId0f /fhj+zL h:tfn] efjgf JoQm ubf{ cfˆgf :d[ltnfO{ hf]8]/ Tof] ;do SofGef;df sdn/fh /]UdL / cfkm" sxfFsxfF lyof}F eGg] klg k|i6ØfPsf 5g\ . ch'{gb]j e§, ljZjjGw', s[i0fhË /f0ff h:tf pxfFsf] pkrf/df ;+nUg d]l8sn 8fS6/x¿, Zofdk|;fb zdf{ h:tf ;fyL, nId0f /fhj+zL h:tf ;xofqL, ls/0f kf7s h:tf ;Gtfg, Oi6ldq, cfkmGt ;flxTosdL{ ljljw JolQmTjn] b]v]–lrg]sf sdn/fhnfO{ k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 . Pp6} j[IfnfO{ s;}n] h/fb]lv e]6], s;}n] sf08, c¿n] xfFuf / kft jf kmn dfq b]v] To;sf/0fn] pxfFnfO{ a'´fpg ;a}n] cfcfˆgf] :d[lt / ;+1fg k|of]u u/]sfn] slt s'/f bf]xf]l/g' klg :jfefljs /x]5 . pxfFsf] hLjgj[Qsf hot' ;+:s[td cfGbf]ng, kfFrjif{sf] h]n oftgf, k~rfotL lrGtg log} x'g d]/f] hLjg ofqfsf ultdfgx¿— pxfFs} sndn] olt :kli6s/0f lbPkl5 x'G5 xf]nf . clwsf+z /rgfn] ltg} s'/fdfly k|sfz kf/]sf 5g\ .
pRr dgf]jnn], ;+:sf/n] / :jfledfgn] plePsf] sdn/fhHo"sf] hLjgz}nL g} Ps v'nf k':ts xf] . /fhgLlt eg]sf] n8\g] p7g] n8fpg] v]n xf] t/ pxfFsf] k|fl1s r]tgf, ;'wf/s b[li6 / l;4fGtk|ltsf] lgi7fdf h]hlt sd{ ug{'eof] To;}n] Tof] hLjg ;'lsnf] / pRr b]lvPsf] 5 . dflyNnf] pd]/df k'u]sf] cj:yfdf k'/fgf Oi6ldq cfkmGt / cfˆg} ;Gtfgsf] n]vgLaf6 of] bk{0f tof/ ePsf] 5 . of] 7"nf] uf}/jsf] s'/f xf] .
sdn/fhHo"sf] JolQmTjaf/] d}n] af]Ng' cgy{ x'G5 . oxfFsf /rgfn] olt :ki6 kf/]kl5 km]l/ lki6k]if0fsf] s'g} cy{ /xFb}g . To;f] ePtf klg dnfO{ nfu]sf Ps b'O{s'/f k|s6 u/]/ /f]lsg] cg'dlt dfU5' .
sdn/fh /]UdLHo"sf] nfdf] Tofu / of]ubfg /fhgLlt lrGtgd} b]lvPsf]n] clwsf+zn] To;} kIfdfly k|sfz kf/]sf 5g\ . oBlk tL n]vn] pxfFleqsf] ax'cfoflds k|ltefsf] kIf klg cfeflift 5 .
c¿ s'/f s[ltdf 5g\ dnfO{ rflxF pxfFsf] 1fg–ljåtf / ;flxlTos r]tgfn] Hofbf 5f]Psf] 5 . tLgj6fdWo] Ps s[lt ;dLIf0fdf ;xefuL x'g] cj;/ klg kfPF . To;n] dnfO{ Tof] 1fg lbPsf] 5 . pxfF cfkm}Fn] klg cfdf, d / kfNkfdf JoQm ug{'ePsf] 5— oxfFg]/ ;'6'Ss cfˆgfaf/]sf] Pp6f ;To atfpg dg nfUof], jf:tjdf d /fhgLlts If]qnfO{ ;'xfpg] :jefj ePsf] dfG5] xf]Og /x]5', d t sfJo–;flxTo efjgf k|jn ePsf] dfG5] kf] /x]5', d]/f] hLjg ofqfsf] ´nsx¿n] To:t} ;fljtL b]vfO/x]5g\ .

of] s'/f pxfFsf ;'k'q 8f= k|sfznufot c¿n] klg :jLsf/]sf 5g\ . oxL s'/f cRo't/d0f clwsf/L, O/f]h ;|i6f nufotsf w]/}n] eg]sf 5g\ . nId0f /fhj+zLn] Tof] u'd]sf] ;+efjgfnfO{ o;/L JoQm u/]sf 5g\— lat]sf] pxfFsf] ;do ;flxTo ;fwgfdf ;b'kof]u ePsf] eP g]kfnL ;flxTo c¿ wgf9Ø x'g] lyof] / pxfFsf] ;flxlTos ef]ux¿ clj:d/0fLo x'g] lyof] .
csf{] nf]enfUbf] kIf 5 Ps cfbz{ kl/jf/sf] lgdf{0f . o; s[ltn] kf7snfO{ Tof] cltl/Qm r]tgf lbg]5 . sdn/fhHo"n] cfˆgL cfdfnfO{ hlt cfb/ / >4f ug{'eof] cfkm"x¿ b'j}nfO{ To;/L g} dfGg] ;Gtlt k|fKt eP5g\ b]Vtf xfdLnfO{ nf]e nfU5 . pxfFsf] ;Gtfg;Fu d]/f] To:tf] k|uf9 gftf 5}g, t/ Ps}kN6 oxfF ;+slnt n]v k9]kl5 d cToGt} k|efljt ePF . c?0ffn] jfNosfn lktf;Fu hf]l8Psf] h'g oyfy{ lrq k|:t't ug{'ePsf] 5 Tof] s;}sf] /rgfdf 5}g . Tof] cfTd;+:d/0fdf lktfhL h]ng]n oftgfdf k/]sf b'bf{Gt ;dodf k/]sf cf3ft c´} gd]l6P/} xf]nf pxfFnfO{ nfU5— c3fpg]u/L a'afsf] dfof kfOgF . k|mfO8n] hLjgel/ elg/x]— dflg;sf] dg / z/L/sf] k"0f{ ljsf; xf];\ eGg] sfdgf ug{'x'G5 eg] ;;fgf afnaflnsfnfO{ cfˆgf] afa'sf] k|]d / :g]xaf6 al~rt gugf{];\ .
clg ;'k'qL ls/0fsf] :d[ltn] klg dnfO{ To;}u/L 5f]of] . lktfdftfsf] of]ubfgsf] plrt d"Nofª\sg To;dfly uj{ ug{' Pp6f s'/f t/ To; efjgfnfO{ k|efjsf/L zAbdf n]Vg ;Sg' c´ csf{] s'/f . a'afl;t 8/fpFb} klg slt ;ª\nf] cfb/ / uf}/jn] el/Psf] Xbo af]]n]sf] 5 .
5f]/f 8f= k|sfzsf] /rgfn] cfˆgf lktfhLsf] b[i6fGt lbFb} :j:Yo /xg] / bL3{hLjgsf /x:osf] pb\3f6g ub{5 . of] cToGt} OlG6d]6, cflTds, cGoq gv'n]sf Ps tk:jLsf cfxf/ljxf/ / ;'vb'Mvsf, ;Gtfg k|]dsf b[i6fGtsf] ;'Gb/ kf6f] xf] . 5f]/f5f]/Lafx]s c¿ s;n] atfpg ;S5g\ . Ps k|l;4 8fS6/–k'qn] hLjg, cfo', ;kmntf ;a} s'/f lgoltdf ;'Dk]sf] k9\bf cToGt} k|efljt 5' . of] k"jL{o bz{g g} xf] . To;dfly pxfFn] /r]sf hLjgf]kof]uL k'l:tsfx¿ k9\g] cj;/ k|fKt u/]F . ltgdf dfgjLo kIfsf], :jf:Yo ;r]ttfsf] cg]s lzIff kfOG5 . cfw'lgs cf}iflw lj1fgsf k|of]Stfn] of]ufEof;sf] / cfxf/ljxf/sf] klg 1fg lbg' ePsf] 5 . oL ;a}df 5f]/f5f]/Lsf ljrf/ / s[ltdf ltg} lktfsf] pRr ;+:sf/ / ;sf/fTds ;f]rsf] ulx/f] k|efj 5.
;a}eGbf a9L tf ;GWofsf] sd{n] k|dfl0ft u/]sf] 5, k|efljt kf/]sf] 5 . pxfFn] k|:t't u/]sf] leotgfd e|d0fsf] ;do lktfdftfsf] pkrf/ ;]jf / Tof] j;fOsf] b}lgsLn] sdn/fh ladnf /]UdL kl/jf/sf] Ps pTs[i6 lnu];L of] ;+;f/nfO{ lbPsf] b]lvG5 . Tolt efjgf, ;fwgf / ;dk{0f ePsL 5f]/L g]kfnL /fhgLltdf jf ;flxlTos j[Qdf nfUg]x¿ sd}n] hGdfPsf xf]nfg\ . kfFrbz hgf klg 5}gg\ xf]nf . tL dWo] cu|k+lQmdf Ps x'g'x'G5 ;GWof . pxfFs} k|]/0ff / Ifdtfn] cl3Nnf k':ts k|sflzt eP of] tof/ eof] . pxfFsf] cu|0fL e"ldsf ePs}n] /x]5 clwsf+zn] pNn]v u/]sf 5g\—;GWofs} cfu|xdf, cg'/f]wdf d olt n]Vt} 5' . jf:tjdf d]/f] k|j]z klg oxfF To;} sf/0fn] xf], d pxfFsf] sd{ / pT;fxn] nf]lePsf] 5', dgdf t nfU5 o:tL 5f]/L hGdfpg ;s]— c¿nfO{ klg To:t} nfUbf] xf] . of] s[lt kl9;SQmf k|To]s 5f]/Lsf lktfdftfnfO{ To:tf] nfUg]5 . t/ of] ;f/f ;+:sf/hGo pkxf/ xf] . To;}n] ;a}n] ldn]/ of] s[lt k|sfzg u/]sf] pbfx/0fLo sd{n] c¿nfO{ k|]l/t ug]{5 . sdn/fh /]UdLHo"sf] hLjg ;fwgf, nIo, k|flKt ;a}sf] kl/0ffd xf] .
o;af6 jt{dfg ;dfhn] w]/} l;Sg]5 . xfd|f] lIfodfg ;dodf :yflkt d"Nox¿ ljvl08t x'Fbf5g\ . ;don] kfl/jfl/s cfbz{ eTsfP/ JolQmnfO{ lg/ªs'z 5f]8\b}5 . k|To]s afa'cfdfn] ´g\´g\ c;xfo x'g'kg{] l:ylt cfpFb}5 . xfd|f] lzIffn], k|ljlwn], ahf/Ls/0fn] To:tf] ub{}5 . o:tfdf sdn/fhHo"sf s[lt, ljrf/ / ;fwgf x]/]/ ;Gtfgdf s:tf] cfbz{ k|Tof/f]k0f ug{'kb{5 eg]/ a'´fpg' kg{] ;do 5 . pxfFsf ;Gtfgsf] of] s[To x]/]/ pbfx/0f lng' kb{5 . pxfFsf] s[lt / sd{af6 k|:t't u|Gyaf6 oxL s'/f k|fKt x'g]5 .

o; u|Gysf] ;dfkg v08df ;GWofsf] leotgfd 8fo/L k/]sf] 5 . of] Ps pbfx/0fLo ;flxlTos, efjfTds, b'n{e lrq xf] . d o;sf] c¿ k|z+;f ug{ ;lStgF . o; s[ltdf hDdf b'O /rgf cª\u|]hL efiffdf 5g\— cflh{t clwsf/Lsf] 5f]6f] cg'e"lt / 8f= lbg]z/fh lzjfsf]6Lsf] Ps hLjgLk/s cfn]v . 8f= lzjfsf]6Ln] Tracks and Traits of Kamal Raj Regmi zLif{s cfn]vdf >L sdn/fh /]UdLHo"sf] hLjgj[QnfO{ ;+If]kdf ;6Ls zAbdf k|:t't ug'{ ePsf] 5 . zf]wfyL{sf hLjgdf ;a} kIfsf] ;Gt'lnt / k7gLo ljZn]if0f 5. dnfO{ nfU5— kl/jf/hgn] Pp6f ;Lldt zlQmsf] j]a;fO6 vf]nL of] kl/rfos /rgf / To;kl5 qmdzM pxfFsf cGo /rgf clg o; k':tssf slt ljlzi6 /rgf cg'jfb u/fpFb} ToxfF /fVg] ;Nnfx lbG5' . Pslbg Tof] sd{sf] klg cf/De x'g]5 . o;n] sdn/fhHo"nfO{ ljZjlt/ kl/ro u/fpg yfNg]5 .
o; u|Gydf ;dflji6 sdn/fh /]UdLsf s]xL sljtfsf] v08n] pxfFsf] l;h{gfTds zlQm k|:t't ub{5 . To;f] t of] gf}bzj6f sljtfsf] Ps cnUu} k'l:tsf agfpFbf klg x'g] xf], t/ oxfF ;dfj]z ugf{n] Pp6f 5f]lkPsf] kf6f] pb\3fl6t ePsf] 5 . pxfFn] hLjgsf] cf/Desfnd} ;flxTok|lt b]vfpg'ePsf] cle?lr / k|s6 ug'{ ePsf] Ifdtf aLrsf s}of}F bzs ;'if'Kt /xL pQ/fw{sf lbgx¿df km]l/ uDeL/ ¿kn] Tot} kms{]sf] b]lvG5 . oL sljtfdf ;|i6fsf] o'jfsfnd} k"0f{¿kn] ljsl;t sfJo r]tgf cg'ej ug{ kfOG5 . k|To]s sljtf 5Gbn], ljifoj:t'n] / p2]Zon] km/s eP klg tLleq aNg] Ps pHofnf] cfefn] xfdL Ps e/e/fpFbf pd]/ ePsf] o'jsnfO{ sfJozlQm lnP/ plePsf] b]V5f}F . To;df klg cfdfsf] r/0fdf d]/f] lgwf/ eg] g]kfnL ;flxTosf] pTs[i6 /rgfdf Ps nfUb5 . d oxfF To;sf] JofVof ug{kl§ nflUbgF . Pp6f ;fgf] c+z pb\w[t ug]{ nf]e eg] hfu]sf] 5 M

cfdfsf] k|;"lt–k'ik ljifofGt/ klg xf]Og, hfTofGt/ klg xf]Og
of] t…k"0ff{t\ k"0f{d'bRot]Ú xf],
dÚaf6…dÚ xf], cfkm"-cfTdg\_ af6 cfkm" -cfTdg\_ xf] .
cfdfn] cfˆg} k]6leq cfˆg} z/L/sf c0f'–c0f' l;Fr]/
Pp6f lzz'–z/L/ /Rb} To;leq
cfˆg} /Qm bu'/fp“5],
t]h ttfp“5],
Zjf; ;';fp“5],
r]tgf Ao"Femfp“5] /
p;sf] d'6'leq cfkm}FnfO{ cyf{t\ cfTdtŒjnfO{ ;hfOlbG5],
To;} eP/ t xf] ue{af6 aflx/ 5'l§Pkl5 klg
pm b'Vbf cfkm" b'V5],
pm ?Fbf cfkm" ?G5],
pm xfF:bf cfkm" xf“:5]
pm /Dbf cfkm" /D5] .

o:tf] dft[jGbgfn] rIf' x'g]sf] Xbo ablnlbg]5 . ;|i6fleqsf] cfWoflTds pHofnf]n], oyfy{ b[li6sf]0fn] k|To]s zAbdf uDeL/ cy{ el/P/ rlDsG5 .

d}n] cToGt} 7"nf] pT;fxn] of] u|Gy k9]F . ;Dkfbgsf afFsL sd{ ;DkGg u/]F . t/ dnfO{ of] ;GWofn], 8f= k|sfzn] c¿ ;a} kl/jf/hgn] agfPsf] af6f]df /ldtf x]b{} lxF8]sf] 5' dfq eGg] nfUb5 . d o;nfO{ cfˆgf] hLjgdf Ps 7"nf] cj;/ / ´g\ 7"nf] pknAwL 7flg/xg] 5' . o; kydf ofqf ugf{n] dfwjk|;fb l3ld/], dbgdl0f bLlIft, r]tg sfsL{, cfgGbb]j e§, 8f= t'n;L e§/fO{, 8f= r"8fdl0f aGw' /]UdL h:tf ljlzi6 ;|i6f÷;fws, /fhgLltsdL{ e]6], o; kys} ofqfn] ;'sGof jfOjf nfdf, 8f= ;'wf lqkf7L, OlGb/f >]i7, efuL/yL >]i7 h:tf gf/L ;|i6f÷;fwsn] cfkmGtnfO{ hf]8]sf] b]v]F / ;a}eGbf dxÎjk"0f{ s'/f of] b]zsf ;r]t gful/snfO{ c¿0ff, ls/0f, 8f= k|sfz/fh, Hof]lt, ;GWofsf] o; sd{n] ;w}F clek|]l/t ul//xg] 5 . k|:t't u|Gy pxfFx¿sf] kfl/jfl/s k|]/0ffn] ag]tf klg ;a} g]kfnLsf] xf] f of] /fi6«sf] lgldQ algPsf] Ps ;'Gb/ pkxf/ xf] .

o;sf] ;Dkfbgb]lv lgdf{0fdf slt q'l6 eP x'gg\ tyflk cfh rf/ dlxgfsf] lg/Gt/ ;+nUgtf kZrft d'b|s :yflkt ckm;]6df k7fPsf] lbg sf}zn / d slt v'zL ePsf 5f}F, eGg] zAb 5}g . ptf ;GWof alxgLsf] cxf]/fqsf] lrGtf cfh ;dfKt ePsf] 5 .
of] pknAwL d]/f nflu dfq geO{ ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnLx¿sf nflu x'g]5 . cfpg] cgGt o'u;Dd of] k|sfz:tDe rlDs/xg]5 . o;n] cFWof/fsf ofqLnfO{ ;b}j pHofnf] af6f] b]vfO/xg] 5 .
o; u|Gysf ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldlt ;b:o, ;Dkfbs Pj+ k|sfzsx¿df xflb{s cfef/ k|s6 ub{5' .
from the book……..
sdn/fh /]UdLsf sljtfsf s]xL gd"gfx¿

cfdfsf] r/0fdf d]/f] lgwf/

clxn] oxf“ d pkl:yt 5',
cfkm}n] cfkm}nfO{ lgxfl//x]5'
d leq Pp6f lrGtg 8'la/x]5,
s]xL ePsf] h:tf] 5
dgsf] ulx/f] ;txaf6 s]xL prflnPh:tf] 5
d]/f] cGtd'{vL cfvf“df lh1f;f–hf“u/ rNdnfO/x]5 Û

lrGtgn] c¿ klg prfNb} ;Dk|]if0f ub}{ 5,
dg–;fu/sf] dlxdfdo df]tLx¿sf k|sfzdf
d leqleq} Pp6f ;+jfb p3|G5 .
xfd|f] cflb cyjf cgflb s] x'“bf] xf] <
Tof] dftf x'g'kb{5,
Tof] cflbdftf, cgflbdftf x'g'kb{5,
xfd|f] cGt cyjf cgGt s] x'g] xf]nf <
Tof] t ;[hgf–;[hgf, ;Gtfg–;Gtfg g} x'g'k5{ .

cflb–cflb x'“b} cgflbofqfsf k|To]s v'8\lsnf 5fDb} hF“bf,
tL ;a} dftf–dftf x'G5g\,
cGt–cGt x'“b} cgGt ofqfsf k|To]s v'8\lsnf x]b}{ hF“bf,
tL ;Gtfg–;Gtfg x'Fb} hfG5g\ .
cgflblt/ hfFbf ToxL v'8\lsnf] cfdf aG5],
cgGtlt/ hfFbf ToxL v'8\lsnf] ;Gtfg x'G5,
cflv/ cfdf / ;Gtfg Pp6} xf], 5g\,
hxf“ of] a|xdf08sf] cgflb / cgGtsf] ;ËdljGb' Pp6} x'G5,
Toxf“ ;GtltnfO{ PsfTd u/]sL dfofdoL cfdf x'G5] .
cxf Û oL zf]wvf]hsf oL af]w–cfh{g
slt rdTsf/k"0f{ Û slt /dfOnf Û slt cfgGbdo Û
cflv/ of] ;a} cfdfsf] dfof t /x]5,
cfdf–cfdf / ;Gtfg–;Gtfgsf] of] ;tt z[ª\vnfsf]
k|To]s s8L Pp6f dfofsf] uf“7f] t xf],
cfdfsf]–dfq dft[Tj efjgf, hf] ddtf–dfof xf]
To;sf] ¿kflot gfd lzz' / ;Gtfg xf], 5 .

cfdfsf] k|;"lt–k'ik ljifofGt/ klg xf]Og, hfToGt/ klg xf]Og,
of] t …k"0ff{t\ k"0f{d'bRot]Ú xf],
…dÚaf6 …dÚ xf],
cfkm" -cfTdg\_af6 cfkm" -cfTdg\_ xf] .
cfdfn] cfˆg} k]6leq cfˆg} z/L/sf c0f'–c0f' l;+r]/
Pp6f lzz'–z/L/ /Rb} To;leq
cfˆg} /Qm bu'/fp“5],
t]h ttfp“5],
Zjf; ;';fp“5],
r]tgf Ao"Femfp“5] /
p;sf] d'6'leq cfkm}nfO{ cyf{t\ cfTdtŒjnfO{ ;hfOlbG5],
To;} eP/ t xf] ue{af6 aflx/ 5'l§Pkl5 klg
pm b'Vbf cfkm" b'V5],
pm ?Fbf cfkm" ?G5],
pm xfF:bf cfkm" xf“:5]
pm /Dbf cfkm" /D5] .

oxfF km]l/ cfˆg} ult u'Gb} / hf]8\b}
;lDem/x]5' d cfˆg} s[ts[To rl/qlrq
xfdL ef]sdf k'sf5f}{+ cfdf Û
b'Mvdf lrRofpF5f“} cfdf Û
;Í6df sxflnG5f“} cfdf Û
7]; nfUof] cfdf Û
8/ nfUof] cfdf Û
crDd nfUof] cfdf Û
o;/L d]/f] cfˆg} hLjg–ofqfsf] cfhef]ln
s]xL xf]; hfu]sf] h:tf] 5
xfd|f] zfZjt 1fg t cfdf xf], 5,
cfdf g} xfd|f] ;gftg uLtf xf], 5 .
cfdf ;[li6sfl/0fL ;j{bf
cfdf kl/kf]lif0fL k|f0fbf
cfdf k/d–k|yd u'? 1fgbf

cfdfsf s[ltx¿;“u ldNg] s]xL–s]xL s'/f
k|s[ltdf b]Vbf
xfdLn] k|s[ltnfO{ klg dftf eGg yfNof}“ .
cfdfsf h:t} ;lxi0f'tf / pbf/tfsf
clnslt u'0f kfp“bf
xfdLn] k[YjLnfO{ klg dftf eGof}“ /
…dftf e"ldM k'qf]˜x+ k[lyJofMÚ eGb}
uLt ufpg] eof}“ .
ufO{sf] y'gdf cfdfsf] b"w h:t} clnslt
uGw e]§fp“bf
xfdLn] …uf}dftfÚ eg]/ k"hf ug{ yfNof}“ .
cfdfsf] sfvsf] h:t} Gofgf] kfP/
xfdLn] cfˆgf] /fi6«nfO{
…hggL hGde"ldZr :juf{blk u/Lo;LÚ eGb}
pb\uf/ u¥of}“ .
cfdfsf h:t} zlQm / ;f}Dotfsf
k|tLs / efjgfx¿nfO{
ltgsf k|lts[lt / d"lt{x¿nfO{
dftf eGb} uof}“–
x'Fbf–x'Fbf xfdLn] cfdfsf] lxt ug]{ afgL ;Dem]/
…dft]j lxtsfl/0fLÚ eGb} x/f]{sf] klg dft[jt\ u'0fufg ug]{ eof}F .

xfdLn] cfdfdf ePsf jfT;No, dfof, ddtf, :g]x, ;f}Dotf, pbf/tf,
uDeL/tf, pRrtf, pbfQtf cflb u'0f–uf}/j–ul/dfdo dft[Tjsf]
;fgf] c+z klg hxfF h]df xf];\ kfpbf, b]Vbf, ef]Ubf
tL ;anfO{ ;d]t dftfs} ¿k ;Dem]/–
…of b]jL ;j{e"t]if' dft[¿k]0f ;+l:ytf
gd:t:o} gd:t:o} gd:t:o} gdf] gdMÚ
eGb} :t'lt–k|fy{gf ubf{ /dfpg] eof} .

xf] t lg Û cfdf t oL ;Dk"0f{ e"t–kbfy{el/ el/PsL /lx5g\,
htf x]/ hggL, hggL,
sf]bfnf] vGb} /x]sf] ls;fg Pp6f hggL xf],
l5gf] sKb} u/]sf] 8sdL{,
al;nf tf5\b} u/]sf] l;sdL{,
ux|'Ëf] 3g 7f]Sb} /x]sf] >lds,
;flxTosf/ cflb
oL ;a} k|;"ltj]bgf a]xf]g]{ cfdf x'g\ .

of] dfG5] k[YjL–k'q,
k[YjL ;"o{–;Gtlt,
;"o{ klg p;sf] cfdfaf6 a]yf nfUbf af}l/Psf] /] Û
ca eof], o:tf] tk;Lnsf] l;nl;nf ;Dem]/ ;lsGg,
;f/f+z olQ xf]–
of] ;a} dftfdo,
of] ;a} dfofdo,
of] ;a} ;Gtltdo,
of] ;a} ;[hgfdo .

d]/f] hLjg–;ª\3if{df dnfO{ 3fp nfUbf,
d]/L cfdfsf] …sf]vsf] 3fÚ b'v]sf] yfxf kfPkl5 d]/f] af]w hfUof] .
;[hgjtL hggL lj/f6sf] cufl8 gtd:ts d ;Demg yfN5'
d hGdFbf d]/L cfdfsf] dd{df d[To' gfr]sf],
/utfDo ePsf]
kL8}kL8f klxl/Psf]
Joyf–Joyf af]s]sf]
oxL xf] …k|;jj]bgfÚ
hf] ;+;f/sf] s'g} klg j]bgf;Fu t'ngf x'Fb}g .
cfdf ltg} x'g\–
h;n] ;[hgfsf] o:tf] j]bgf ;xg ul5{g\, ;xh} :jLsfl5{g\
h:tf] j]bgf c¿ s;}n] ;xg ug{ ;St}gg\ /
;xg ug]{ ;f}efUo klg kfpFb}gg\ .

cfdfaf6 gLb lgly|P/ lzz'df ;'T5,
cf/fd hlt /dfO{–/dfO{ lzz'd} ;5{,
;a} r]i6f–lrGtfn] lzz's} lrof] u5{,
lzz' lglDt nfh–3Lg h8e/t aG5 .

k|To]s ;Gtfgsf] hGdkl5
cfdfsf] sf]vdf Pp6f 3fp aNemG5,
cfdfsf] d'6'df Pp6f Joyfsf] u|lGy ufl;G5,
clg ;Gtltsf ;a} 3fp / Joyfx¿ cfdfn] ;ufNb} hflG5g\ .
kljq efjgfsf kq–kqel/ ;Gtfgsf] syf /Rb} hflG5g\ .

…cfdfafa's} ltvf{ d]6fpg uPsf]
>j0fs'df/ d/]sf] yfxf kfPkl5
tL cGwf / j[4 cfdfafa'
Psl5g\ klg afFRg rfx]gg\ .Ú
j]Zof k|]ldsfnfO{ cfdfsf] d'6' k'¥ofpg hfFbf
nf]6]sf] dft[xGtfnfO{
…sxfF b'Vof] d]/f] 5f]/f, ltdLnfO{Ú
eg]/ ;f]Wb} d'6'df afr]sL cfdf /f]PsL 5 .
o:t} cfdfsf dfof / d'6'af/] dfld{s 36gf Pjd\ syfx¿
;a} b]z / sfnel/ ;'lg/x]5f}, ;'gfO/x]5f} .
of] nLnf, of] dlxdf, of] dxfsfJo, r/df]Tsif{sf]–k/df]Tsif{sf],
d}n] klg a'‰g nfu]h:t} eof]–
of] hLjgel/, of] hut\el/,
h] klg hlt klg a]yfsf syf x'g\ ls
h]yfsf syf x'g\
tL ;a}–;a} cfdf / ;Gtfgsf syf kf] /x]5g\ .

cfdfsf] ue{wf/0f / k|;j, nfngkfng clg kf]if0f
jfT;No–ddtf, :g]x–;f}Dotf lzz'k|ltsf]
dfgj, kz'kIfL, sL6–ktË / pb\leb\;Dd klg
dft[TjdoL of] k|s[lt zfZjtL clg dxŒjsf]
Pp6}–Pp6}h:tf] .
nf} t s'g} hggLsf] ue{nfO{, lzz'nfO{, pTklQnfO{, pb\e"ltnfO{
si6 lbg], gi6 kfg]{ k|of; ul/of];\ t
Tof] dftf, Tof] hggL slt ljs/fn sfn aG5],
cflv/ k|f0f–k0fs} afhL yfKg k'U5] .
1fg, lj1fg / ljj]ssf] ljifo t dfG5]s} k]jf eof] .
k|f0ffGt;Dd k]6el/ ue{–kf]sf] af]Sb} lx8\g] dfs'/LnfO{
sxfsf] 1fg, sxfsf] lj1fg <
cfˆg} ue{–k'ik d'vdf Rofk]/ sd{o'4 ul//x]sL
lkkLlnsfsf] ljZjljBfno sxf xf]nf <
cfˆg} 3/sf s's'gL{sf 5fp/fnfO{ rnfP/ t x]/ Û
sf]lknf r'Fl8lbbf /f]PsL
u'nfasf] cf;' gb]Vg] cfvfnfO{ s] eGg] <
dft[Tjsf] of] ;j{JofkL :jefj,
;gftg ;+:sf/,
csNkgLo .
ct Pj–tt Pj,
dftf dxf dfggLof,
dftf k/d k"hgLof,
dftf ;bf ;]jgLof .

d oxL pkl:yt 5',
cfkm}n] cfkm}nfO{ cem} lgxfl//x]5',
cfkm"leq cfkm}FnfO{ kl9/x]5',
/rgf–syfsf] aLeT; lj8Dagf
l;h{gf–syfsf] ckYo tYo of]
of] Pp6f kf6f], of] Pp6f 6f6f]–
dfs'/Lsf ;Gtfgx¿ cfˆgf] k|yd hGdlbg
cfˆgL k|;"tf cfdfsf] z/L/sf] ef]h vfP/ dgfpF5g\
t/ dfs'/L cfkm" pDsg g;Sg] u/L ;Gtfgk|lt df]xa4 /lxlbG5] .
dfp vfg]sf 5f}F8f5f}F8L ;dy{ ePkl5
cfdfnfO{ g} vfg nv]6\b} lxF8\5g\,
t/ klg cfdfrflxF tL s';Gtfgk|lt s'dftf aGg ;lStg
;Stf;Dd efUb} dfq bu'5]{ .

dfG5]sf ;Gtfg klg st} t z}tfg}–z}tfg,
cfdfsf] dfof df:b},
cfdfsf] d'6' lrb}{,
cfdfsf] cf;' gf£b}
dflQg / kflQg yfN5,
cfdf kL/}–kL/,
cfdf cfF;'–cfF;',
cfdf hL0f{–hL0f{
dfG5]sf ;Gtfg klg st} t
Pp6f b'is[lt,
Pp6f lj;Ëlt,
Pp6f z"n,
Pp6f e"n,
dfs'/Lsf :ofpF:ofpFtL /fIf;–sL/f,
dfp vfg]sf] 5f}F8f5f}F8L bfgjeGbf klg b'i6–b'lj{gLt,
t}klg 1fgL, lj1fgL / ljj]sLsf] ku/L u'T5 Tof] dflg;,
To;}n] xf] ls,
k|s[ltdf ljs[lt,
k[YjLdf k|sDk,
Hjfnfd'vL lj:kmf]6,
/f]u–Joflw dxfdf/L,
k6s–k6s k|no .
dfG5]sf] klg Pp6f kf6f]el/,
dfG5]sf] klg Pp6f af6f]el/
s'¿k, b'u{GwL, 3[l0ft 6f6}–6f6f] 5 .
Oltxf;eGbf klxn]b]lv,
dfG5]sf] klg Pp6f kf6f]el/,
dfG5]sf] klg Pp6f af6f]el/,
o'4, lx+;f, ljWj+;,
jtg–ktg, aLeT;,
ef]s–ltvf{, si6–;Í6,
å]if, O{iof{, 3[0ff–3f]/,
ljifd, lj;Ët h] 5, hf] 5,
dfG5]sf] klg Pp6f kf6f]el/,
dfG5]sf] klg Pp6f af6f]el/ .

ca Pp6f k|folZrt\,
ca Pp6f ;lRrt\ .
lj1 / k|f1 eP/ ;d'Gglt–lzv/ pSng,
s?0ff / sNof0fsf] gbL aufpg,
1fgdfu{lt/ lxF8\g,
;jf]{Qd d'lQm e]§fpg,
;Gtltsf] ;j{k|yd st{Jo,
cfdfsf] lglDt lrGtg, cfdfsf] lglDt dgg .
cfˆgf] cflbnfO{ ;Demf}, cfˆgf] cgflbnfO{ ;Demf}
cfˆgf] cfdfnfO{ ;Demf}
cfˆgf] cfdfsf] klg cfdfsf]
slxNo} gr'Fl8g] nx/] h/f]nfO{
sd;] sd dgsf] Pp6f kf6f]el/ 5fKb} hfcf}
oxL ;Demgfsf af6f]el/ lxF8\b} hfcf} .
hlt /fd|f] h/f x'G5, Tolt g} /fd|f d'G6f
To:t} lrNnf] kfn'jf, ;f]lr/fvf} uld/fvf}
xfd|L cfdf hlt ;'d'vL, xfdL ;Gtfg Tolt g} ;'vL .
;j{k|yd 9f]u cfdfnfO{,
;j{k|yd k"hf cfdfnfO{,
;j{k|yd ;Ddfg cfdfnfO{,
;j{k|yd ;]jf cfdfnfO{
k|ToIf cfdfnfO{,
efjgfsL cfdfnfO{,
k|tLs cfdfnfO{ .

cfdfn] dg gk/fpg] sfd gu/f},
efO–efO n8]sf],
;Gtfg–;Gtfg h'w]sf],
efO–c+z df/]sf],
cfdfn] x]g{ ;lStgg\
alxgLnfO{ x]nf u/]sf]
cfdfn] ;xg ;lStgg\ .
s'/f olQ xf],
ljifo dfd'nL 5,
Jojxf/ ;lhnf] 5 .
cfdfsf] sfvdf a;f},
cfdfsf] kfpdf a;f},
cfdfsf] gh/df a;f},
alnof] / cUnf] x'b} hfb} ubf{
cfdfnfO{ lkl7pdf af]sf},
sfwdf af]sf}F,
lz/df af]sf}F .

a'‰g] ;Gtfgx¿n] cfdfnfO{ k'sfb}{–
…jGb]dft/d\Úsf] pb\3f]if lbbf,
;';Gtfgsf k|tLs uf]sL{n] cfdfnfO{–
jfª\do z[Ëf/ lbP/ ¿kflot ubf{,
cfdfn] sf]6L–sf]6L ;GtfgnfO{
aGwg r'F8fNg] zlQm lbOg\
o:tf oyfe"t syf / ufyf hut\el/ 5g\, Oltxf;el/ 5g\ .
ue{sf] ef/f,
k|;jsf] ef/f,
b"wsf] ef/f,
cfdfsf] ef/f,
lt/]/ ;lsGg .
t/ ltl//xg] pBd t ul//xg'k5{
s;} u/L dfG5]sf] of] hftn] ;j{tM d'Qm–:jtGq eP/
;j{tf]d'vL ;d'Gglt e]§fpg' 5 .

d}n] cfkm"n] s'/f a'em]–a'em]h:tf] nfu]sf] 5
3§df 3fd em'Ns]–em'Ns]h:tf] 5 .
d}n] laxfg ;a]/} p7]/
cfdfsf] ;]jfdf s'g} q'l6 g/xf];\,
cfdfsf] s'g} lrGtf gp7f];\,
st} cfdfsf] lrQ gb'vf];\ eg]/
;ts{ x'G5',
cfdfnfO{ k|;Gg /fVg,
;lhnf] kfg{,
cfjZostf k"/f ug{
lg/Gt/ k|oTg u5'{ .
cfdfsf] k"Ho r/0fdf …;fi6fË b08jt\ ;]jfÚ r9fpF5',
lbgrof{kl5 km]l/ ;GWofdf
dft[r/0f 9f]U5' / /flqrof{lt/ nfU5' .
cfdfaf6 ;w} d}n] …lr/~hLjL eP, sNof0f xf];\Úsf]
z'efzLjf{b k|fKt u5'{ .
cfdfsf] ;]jfaf6}
d}n] hLjg a'em]F–a'em]h:t},
;'v–;Gtf]if lrg]F–lrg]h:t},
cfgGb e]§fPF–e]§fPh:t}
nfu]sf] 5 .
d}n] pHofnf j/bfgx¿ Yflk/x]sf] 5'
cfdfsf r/0fdf d]/f] lgwf/ cd/ /x]sf] kfPsf] 5' .

-(@ jif{df lbjËt dftf k'0osnf /]UdLsf] :d[ltdf, /rgfsfnM lj= ;= @)%@_

psfnf] dfu{sf] el/of
dlxgf h]7 lyof] / bf]kx/df ;"h]{ k'u]sf] lyof]
cfuf]sf] nk6f lnP/ slxn] xfjf klg rNbYof]
gfËf] kj{t Tof] d?:yn lyof] 7f8f] psfnf] lyof]
af]sL ef/L s'r'Kk Ps el/of ;f]em} a9]sf] lyof] .

udL{n] kl;gf au]/ p;sf] ef]6f] leh]sf] lyof]
nfuL 7Ss/ em§ 9'Gd'g x'Fbf n¶L ;xf/f lyof]
9'Ëf 7f]lSsO{ kfpdf /utsf] yf]kf r'x]sf] lyof]
of]uL sd{7 Tof] ;a} b'Mv ;xL dfly r9]s} lyof] .

To;sf jfXo k|k~rsf ;as'/f b'e{Ug h:t} lyP
To;sf cGt k|j[lQsf ;as'/f cfzf pHofnf lyP
To;sf tL sd{bz{g lbg] efiff ;';]nL lyP
To;sf tL kblrGxdf o'u 5'g] af6f ag]sf lyP .

To;sf] nIo lyof] pxL lzv/df kf}Fr]/ lj>fldg]
To;sf rIf' lgxfb{y] u[xs'6L b]v]/ g} lrlDng]
;'Vvf cf]7 ljrfb{y] k|]d u[lx0fL kfP/ d':sfpg
ef]sf] sfv /;fpFbYof] lzz' ;a} /fv]/ v]nfpg .

-;+3if{do hLjgsf] si6k"0f{ sd{kydf bfp/fsf] ef/L af]s]/ Pp6f clt ;f]emf] / OdfGbf/ el/of h:t} eP/ b'Mv / ;Í6sf] e'd/Ldf kbf{ klg cgGt ;lxi0f'tf / w}o{sf ;fy cufl8 a9\bfsf] lrq0f, zfb"{nljqmLl8t 5Gb, /rgfsfnM lj= ;= @))^_ 

w/fsf gofF km"nsf] jGbgfdf

d xfF;]F, d /f]PF, l/;fPF, v';fPF
gofF cfznfO{ lnO{ sNkgfdf .
;bf kL/ kfPF, 7"nf] b'Mv vfPF
gdfgL s'g} xf/ lxF8\\b} /dfPF ..
w/fsf gofF km"nsf] jGbgfdf===

dxf–s06sf sL0f{ af6f] agfPF
pHofnf log} km"nsf] ;Demgfdf .
d'6' 3fpsf] of] dxf–dd{nfO{
u/L cfx Û vfln v'zLn] bafPF ..
w/fsf gofF km"nsf] jGbgfdf===

s8f 3fdsf] tfkdf /GylgPF
…5xf/L ldnf];\ x} ÛÚ oxL sfdgfdf .
anL pln{Psf] d'6'sf] 89]nf]
rdsbf/ oL cfF;'n] g} lgefPF ..
w/fsf gofF km"nsf] jGbgfdf===

gofF km"n P ef] Û g/f]pm g/f]pm
gofF /ËnfO{ gwf]pm gwf]pm .
lnO{ cfF;'–;fu/ b'j} oL gogdf
v8f 5' d ltd|} oxfF jGbgfdf ..
w/fsf gofF km"nsf] jGbgfdf===
-kfNkfsf] sGof df= lj= sf] ;d'b\3f6g ;df/f]xdf 5fqfx¿nfO{ …w/fsf gofF km"nÚ egL ;Daf]wg ub}{ dw'/ :j/df uLtsf] efsfdf jfrg ul/Psf], /rgfsfnM lj= ;= @))*_
d xflb{gF

d b'Mv–cfF;'df ;w}Fel/ g'xfpFb} lxF8"F
:jsLo /Qm–kÍdf ;xfoxLg e} u8"F
dxfGwsf/–kGydf ;w}F d 7f]lSsFb} n8"F
tyflk ljZj–jL/ x'F, a'em\of} s;} d xflb{gF .
c;ª\Vo hfn–em]nsf s'oGqn] d afFlwpmF
ljiffn' c:q–z:qn] xhf/af/ 6'lqmpmF
lkzfr–b}To /ftsf ;a} ldn"g\ d PlSnpmF
d ljZjsf] k|bLk x'F, a'em\of} s;} d lglEbgF .
d ef]s–Kof;df hn]/ xf8 vf]/sf] ag"F
v;]/ jh| 5ftLdf d r"0f{–r"0f{ eO{ 9n"F
s/f]8af/ sfnsf] ;Fu;Fu} d lhl:spmF
d ljZjdfGo sfn x'F, a'em\of} s;} d dlb{gF .
-kfNkf h]naf6 yk oftgf lbg e}/xjf h]n rnfg ul/Pkl5 sf/fuf/leq /lrt, /rgfsfnM lj= ;= @)!*_

d'6' 9'Ss kfg]{ la/fgf] 5 7fpF

d'6' 9'Ss kfg]{ la/fgf] 5 7fpF
oxfF cfF;' Ps a"Fb v;fn]/ hfpmF .

oxfF 5g\ v;]sf slt cfF;'–cfzf
oxfF 5g\ n's]sf slt k|]d–efiff
oxfF k|Ltdf k|Lt ufF;]/ /f]pmF
oxfF kL/ Psl5g kvfn]/ hfpFm .

s;}n] oxfF lk|osf] ;Demgfdf
u/L ;'FSs–;'FSs k'sf/] em}F 5
oxfF j]bgfnfO{ la;fP/ hfpFm
s]xLa]/ dgnfO{ a'emfP/ hfpmF .

d'6' 9'Ss kfg]{ la/fgf] 5 7fpF
oxfF cfF;' Ps a"Fb v;fn]/ hfpmF .

-kfNkfdf ls;fg cfGbf]ng bafpg a8fxflsd agfO{ k7fOPsf qm"/ cfttfoL tf/saxfb'/ zfxåf/f s7f]/ oftgf lbO{ dfg{sf nflu kfNkfaf6 cToGt si6k|b ofqf u/fpFb} h'Dnf rnfg ul/+bf cfˆgf] kl/jf/ ;Fusf] la5f]8df af6f]df /lrt, /rgfsfnM lj= ;= @))*_

lx“l8;s]sf kfOnf d]l6G5g\ / <
d]6\g kfP t x'GYof]
c´ hLjgsf] klxnf] kfOnfdf
kms{g kfP x'GYof] .
of] 6]s]sf] kfOnf
cfkm} cfkm} d]l6P x'GYof]
8'ª\ufsf] aufO ´“}
lx“8\b}5 kfOnf d]6\b}5

slt dHhf x'GYof] .
r/fh:t} p8\g kfPsf] eP x'GYof]
cfsfzdf t kfOnf kv]6fsf 8fd aGb}gg\
rGb|;"o{ ´}“ cfsfzrf/L eP x'GYof]
cfsfz t lglj{sf/, kb lrGx af]Sg] s'/} ePg .
h] xf];\ d]/f a]xf]z / c;fjwfg kfOnfx¿
d]6\g kfP x'GYof]
a? Psk6s hLjgsf] klxnf] kfOnfdf
kms{g kfP x'GYof]
km]l/ ;fjwfg / ;r]t eP/ Oltxf;df
kfOnf 6f“:g kfP x'GYof]
s] To:tf] x'g ;S5 <
lx“l8;s]sf kfOnf d]l6G5g\ / <
xf]Og xf]Og
a'´ x} af6fdf lx“8\g] nf6f xf]
lx“8]sf kfOnf t slxNo} gd]l6g]
kTy/sf] nsL/ xf]
nf6f, Tolt dfq xf]Og
lx“8]sf] kfOnfn] kTy/, lxnf], afn'jf
kfgL / csfzdf dfq kb lrGx 5f]8\b}g
lx“8]sf kfOnfn] cfºg} dg / dl:tisnfO{ ;d]t
;bf ;bfsf nflu 8fD5
cfºg} efj / ljrf/sf] Sofgef;df
slxNo} cGTo gx'g] rnlrq 5fKb5 .
lj8Dagf, lx“hf] cfkm" lx“8“] eg]sf] af6f]
cfh cfºg} dgel/ bu'l//x]5
cfkm" r9]/ ofqf u/]“ eg]sf] /]nuf8L
cfh cfkm}dfly u8\u8fP/ bu'l//x]5
n t, ;'g x}
ca k|To]s kfOnfn]
Pp6f Pp6f chDa/L aLp /f]K5
yfx} 5 x},
cd[t /f]k] cd[t kmN5
ljif /f]k] ljif kmN5
;D´“bf ljrf/ ubf{ lbSs nfU5
s] s] s] s] < lrGtgf hfU5 .
d]/f lx“l8;s]sf ljiffn' kfOnf d]l6P x'GYof]
tLtf, kL/f tL aLp s'lxP x'GYof]
To:t} h:t} clego ug{ vf]h] klg
cfkm"n] lx“8]sf kfOnf c¿s} yfKnfdf
/fVg vf]h] klg
ltd|f] kb /]vf ltd|} kfOnfd} 5flklbPsf] 5
hlt h] u/] klg ltd|f] kfOnf efjL /]vf e};s]sf] 5 .
km]l/  lj8Dagf
lxhf] af/ aGwg ePsf] af6f]df klg
?sL ?sL sf]xL lx“8]g
cfhsf] km'Ssf af6f]df klg
km'ls km'sL sf]xL lx“8\b} 5}g
lj8Dagf lj8Dagf
lx“hf]sf] …sfnf]Ú h:tf] lx“8\Yof]
cfhsf] …uf]/f]Ú p:t} lx“8\5
x/]s lx“l8Psf kfOnfdf
ls …cg'zf;gÚ pbfp“5
ls …b'Mzf;gÚ hGdG5
hlt …b'Mzf;gÚ Tolt …rL/x/0fÚ ltdLn] x]g{}k5{
hlt …rL/x/0fÚ Tolt …dxfef/tÚ ltdLn] n8\g}k5{
lx“8\bflx“8\b} hlt yfs
lx“l8;s]sf kfOnfdfly hlt Wofgb[li6 /fv
lx“l8;s]sf] k|To]s kfOnf cfºg} lgolt aG5
To;df s;}sf] x}sd x's'd s]xL x'Gg
lalt;s]sf]df …af;'b]jÚ sf] klg a; rNb}g .
ca clego gu/, OGsf/ gu/
lx“l8;s]sf kfOnf / /f]lk;s]sf aLpnfO{
d]6\g vf]Hbf gf:g vf]Hbf
kZjfb\ufdL kfZjfb\efuL dfq eOG5 .
a? ca lx“8\g] kfOnf ltd|} xftdf 5
lat]sf] ;dosf] 5fk
lx“8]sf] kfOnfsf] cg'ej
ltd|} ;fydf 5
h:tf] kfOnf rfn
h:tf] aLp /f]k
ltd|f] lgtfGt ltd|f]
cfºg} dgv'zL x'G5 .
ca lx“8\g] kfOnf ltd}| xftdf 5 .

-/rgfsfnM lj= ;+= @)$&_ 

sdn/fh /]UdLsf cleJolQmx¿

of] hLjg cfdf / ;Gtltsf] syf /x]5 .   
                -cfdfsf] r/0fdf d]/f] lgwf/_

…eSs/Nofª–eSs/NofªÚ d]/f lgldQ a|Xdgfb, k|0fj, çsf/ ePsf] 5 / cfdf–l9sL–wfg ldn]/ ;DkGg x'Fb} u/]sf] of] sd{;f}Gbo{ d]/f nflu of] ;[li6–l:yltsf] cg'kd eJo ;df/f]x ePsf] 5 . d o;}df tfbfTDo, tGdo, PsfTd / nLg ePsf] x'G5' .     
-;Demgf cfdfsf]_

cfdf zfZjtL 5g\, hlxn]b]lv ;Gtfgsf] cl:tTjsf] kl/sNkgf x'G5, cfdfsf] dfof ;gftg eP/ clj/n k|jflxt 5 .                                  

hGd, hLjg / cj;fg cyf{t\ ;[li6, l:ylt / no of] k|s[lt hut\leqsf] qmd xf], lgod xf] . o:tf] k|s[lthut\sf] sf]iffuf/df clxn];Ddsf] ;a}eGbf a9L ;+j]bgf ;DkGg ;l~rlt eP/ /x]sf] of] dflg;n] klg hGd, hLjg / cj;fgsf] qmdnfO{ ef]Ug jfWo 5 .
-hLjg clj>fGt sd{ofqf_

clj>fGt sd{do snfTds hLjg g} afFRg'sf] k/dfy{ / clGtd p2]Zo xf] .

k|s[ltaf6 dflg;n] kfPsf] ;aeGbf dxŒjk"0f{ / ;f/k"0f{ pkxf/ sd{, ult / snf xf] . oL k|fs[lts pkxf/ / j/bfgnfO{ cv08j|tL eP/ cljlR5Gg cËLsf/ ul//xg' g} dflg; x'g'sf] cy{ / p2]Zo l;4 x'g' xf] .

hLjgnfO{ snfTds tj/n] cd[t t'Nofpg' g} ;kmn hGdsf] bfjL xf] .

oxf x/]s JolQmsf] cj;fg lglZrt 5 . cj;fg cyf{t\ d[To' klg snfTds cyf{t\ /dfOnf], zf]efdo, ;f}Do x'g ;S5 .

dflg; cfgGbsf] cf/fws xf] t/ s;}sf] cfgGbn] cfˆgf lglDt c¿nfO{ kLl8t t'NofPsf] x'Fb}g, hxfF ;a}sf] ;'v–;Gtf]ifdfly x/]ssf] cfgGb c8]sf] x'G5, dflg; eP/ afFRg' eg]sf] ToxL xf] .

pQd sfd u/]/ slxNo} gyfSg' snfTdstf xf] .

…d'x"t{dlk hLj]t g/M z'Sn]g sd{0ffÚ -pQd sd{ ub}{ a? b'O{ 38L dfq afFrf];\ ._

Pp6f ;fgf] c;Tosf] bfu v's{g nfUbf dg'io hflt kfFr xhf/ xfFuf xfn]/ a9]sf] 7"nf] j[If eO;Sbf] /x]5 . k]ml/ hf] ;To vf]H5 To;sf] lz/dfly s/f]8f}F nft ah|G5 . t/ klg ;To kIfn] lgx'/]/ ;To vf]Hb} a6'ln/xg kb{5 . gkfO{sg p7\g'x'Fb}g, a? lnlkP/} dg'{kb{5 . lsgeg] yf]/} ;To kfPdf klg pm caf}{+ dg–dl:tisnfO{ pHofnf] lbg ;S5 .

cfh;Dd ;Tosf k'hf/L w]/} hGd], ;Tosf lglDt sltn] cfTdaln;d]t r9fP, k[YjLsf ;a} wd{df ;To ;jf]{Rr 5, k|To]s dflg; rfx] Tof] cfl:ts xf];\ jf gfl:ts ;TonfO{ t cjZo dfG5 .

c;t\, cGwsf/ / d[To'df 56\k6fO/x]sfx¿sf lglDt k|tLs aGb} ljj]swf/L 1fgLhg clxn] klg …c;tf] df ;b\udo, td;f] df Hof]ltu{do d[Tof]df{ cd[t+ udoÚ eGb} ;To, 1fg / cd/tfsf] vf]hLdf lxFl8/x]5g\, sd{zLn alg/x]5g\ .

;flxTon]vg :jod\df hLjgsf] Pp6f k"0f{ sd{ xf] . hLjgel/ ;flxTo dfq n]v]/ jfª\dosf] ;]jf u¥of] eg] klg Tof] JolQm k"0f{ sd{of]uL g} 7xb{5 .
-8fo/Lsf kfgf / n]vg sfo{, @)$( ebf} !@_

ljBfg'/fuL, 1fgL, lj1fgL, k|fljlw1, k|ltefzfnL x'g'sf] ;fy} dflg; :jfledfgL klg x'g}k5{ . k/lge{/, k/cg'ofoL, k/bf;, k/fjnDjL x'g' x'“b}g . :jfledfgL JolQm c¿nfO{ bf; agfpg] k|e', dflnssf]] ;]/f]km]/f]df c6fpg ;Sb}g .
-kl/jlt{t ;fdflhs tyf kfl/jfl/s l:ylt, ltdL / d, @)%), j}zfv #_

wd{, /fi6«, ;dfh, /Llt, gLlt, /fhgLlt h];'s}sf] gfddf klg dfG5]nfO{ af“Wg x'“b}g . dfG5] af“lwg x'“b}g, r]tgzLn dfG5] gaf“lwg / af“lwPsf] eP klg :jtGq x'g sf]lzz ub{5 . :jtGqtf ;ª\3if{, d'lQm cfGbf]ng, :jfwLgtf o'4, hgqmflGtx¿ ePsf 5g\, dflg; d'lQm rfxG5, To;}sf lgldQ .
-kl/jlt{t ;fdflhs tyf kfl/jfl/s l:ylt, ltdL / d, @)%), j}zfv #_

dfgjLo d"No / JolQmut :jtGqtf dflg;sf] hLjgsf d"ne"t cfwf/ ePsfn] oL dfgjtfsf cfwf/x¿nfO{ s'g} wd{, bz{g, l;4fGt, jfb, ;dfh of /fi6«sf gfddf s'l07t ug{ x'“b}g .

hLjg hut\sf] ultzLntf, åGåfTds ef}ltstf oyfy{ xf], o;}df bz{g, lj1fg, jfb, l;4fGt hlGd/xG5g\ . o:t} lg/Gt/tf / cgGttfnfO{ lnP/, r]tgf / kbfy{nfO{ lnP/, 1]otf / c1]otfnfO{ lnP/, ef}ltsjfbL / cWofTdjfbLx?sf] ljjfb cflbsfn b]lv rNb} cfPsf] 5 t/ Pp6f /dfOnf] s'/f s] 5 eg] ef}ltsjfbLx? t kbfy{ / oyfy{ dfly g} cfˆgf] sd{ofqf ul//xG5g\, cWofTdjfbL klg æa|Xd;To hut\ldYofÆ eGg] ;"q 3f]Sb} u/] klg ToxL hut\ -kbfy{_ sf] ;xf/f / cfwf/a]u/ Ps 8u klg rNg ;Sb}gg\ .
-lzjTjaf]w @)$( j}zfv )^_

cfh x"nsf] sf]nfxndf PlSnFbf, Jofkf/ k|b"if0fsf] jftfj/0fdf ps';d's'l;Fbf, afËfl6Ëf cK7]/f kL8fdo kl/l:yltx¿af6 cflQFbf / å]if, O{iof{, 3[0ff / c;lxi0f'tfsf 6f]sfO / 8;fOaf6 56\kl6Fbf vf]hL ug]{ lk|o / dw'/ ;fGTjgf / ;b\efjgfsf] zLtn 5xf/L …kfNkfnL ;ËdÚ klg x'g ;sf];\ eGg] sfdgf xfd|f cGt/df lglxt 5g\ .
…kfNkfnL ;ËdÚ

 cfh Jo:ttf, tgfj, ;Gqf;x¿n] dfG5]nfO{ k5ØfO/x]5g\ . logLx¿nfO{ 5Ng ;s]sf] If0f …;Tod\, lzjd\, ;'Gb/d\Úsf] cf/fwgfdf ;dlk{t x'g ;sf];\ .

gf/L k'?ifsf] 5fofF xf]Og, a? k'?if / ;dfhnfO{ ;d]t 5xf/L lbg] sNkj[If xf] . To:t} ljdnfsf] rl/q klg s;};Fu hf]l8Psf] k"/s rl/q xf]Og, pgsf] cfk}Fmdf k"0f{ JolQmTj 5, Tofu / cfbz{sf] ckf/ Hof]ltk'~hdf k|bLKt rl/q 5 .
-ljdnf /]UdLsf] e"ldsf_

 lktfhLaf6 pbf/ efj'stf kfPF . cfdfaf6 :g]x / ddtf l;s]F . n]lggaf6 /fhgLlts k|]/0ff lnP‘ / d}n] d]/L >LdtL ljdnfaf6 ;Dk"0f{ sd{If]qdf rflxg] ;xof]u–sd{of]u kfPF .
-ljdnf /]UdLsf] e"ldsf_

oxfFlg/ ;'6'Ss cfˆgf af/]sf] Pp6f ;To atfpg dg nfUof], jf:tjdf d /fhgLlt If]qnfO{ ;'xfpg] :jefj ePsf] dfG5] xf]Og /x]5', d t sfJo–;flxTo efjgf k|jn ePsf] dfG5] kf] /x]5', d]/f] hLjgofqfsf emnsx¿n] To:t} ;flatL b]vfO/x]5g\ .

d}n] hd{gL, ¿;, l;Ëfk'/ / leotgfdsf] ofqf u/]sf] 5' . ef/tsf sZdL/, sfzL, snsQf, lbNnL, aDaO{, db|f; cflb w]/} zx/x¿sf] cg]sg\ k6s ofqf u/]sf] 5' . g]kfnsf ;a}h;f] lhNnfsf] hldg s'Nr]sf] 5' / w]/}h;f] lhNnfsf ufpF–ufpF rxf/]sf] 5' . kfNkfsf ufpF–ufpF, eL/–kfvf, lzv/–a]F;L, vf]Fr–vf]N;L, kmfF6–ufpF rxf/]sf] 5', e'mk|f–5fk|f / cfFug–cfFugdf gfRb}–ufpFb}–/dfpFb} lxF8]sf] 5' . t/ d Ps dlxgfsf] pd]/ x'Fbfb]lv hfg yfn]sf] dbgkf]v/f clxn];Dd 5'6]sf] 5}g / hLjgsf] cGt;Dd klg 5'6\g]5}g . dbgkf]v/f hfFbf hlt /dfOnf] nfU5, hlt :g]x–;fGTjgf ldN5, cGoq;Fu t'ngf g} x'g ;Sb}g . clg ;Dk"0f{ hLjgofqfs} lgldQ hlt /fd|f] kf7 / hlt /fd|f] ;fdn oxfFaf6 kfPsf] 5' Tolt c¿ sxLFaf6 kfPsf] 5}g .
-dfjnL dbgkf]v/fsf] rrf{_

cfdf;Fu 5fofF eP/ 6fFl:;Psf] d cfdfsf] dh]qf] cf]9]/ gf/Lkfqn] dfq k|j]z kfpg] …lhpFtL hfUg] gfrÚdf ;d]t gf/Lx¿sf] pbfË sdgLo kIfsf] ;fF:s[lts rl/qgfl6sfsf] a'emL–ga'emL bz{s aGg] df}sf;d]t e]§fOxfn]sf] cj;/ klg ;DemG5' . h;/L b'Mv–Joyf, lj/x–ljof]un] dfG5]sf] cGt;\nfO{ 3f]r]/–lrdf]6]/ /GyGofpg yfN5, To;} u/L dfG5]sf] ;[li6;|f]t sdgLo kIfsf] ;Gbe{n] klg dfG5]sf] cGt;\nfO{ cg'/fuL / efjgfdo kfb{5 .
-cfdfx¿, d / ;flxTofg'/fu_

a|fXd0f hfltdf j|taGw ubf{ ufoqLdGq bfgsf] k|d'v ljwfg x'G5 . of] dGqbfg Hofbfh;f] cfˆg} lktfaf6 lng] rng 5 . ckjfbsf ¿kdf eg] cfˆgf s'n, qmdfut u'?, ljåfg\, kl08tx¿af6 klg lng] rng 5 . d]/f lglDt lktfhLsf] cfu|xdf Pshgf cfafn a|Xdrf/L j}lbs ljåfg\ agf/;af6 ljBfWoog u/L j}/fUo ;fwgfdf nfUg'ePsf /Tgdl0f cfrfo{ gfdsf TofuL k'?ifaf6 ufoqLdGq bfg u/fOof] . d}n] cf7 jif{s} pd]/b]lv u'?s} ;flGgWodf /x]/] sl7g lzioj|t kfngf ug{ l;ls;s]sf] lyPF . ToxL a]nfdf g} s7f]klgifb\sf] glrs]tfh:t} clt dxŒjk"0f{ sfo{ ug]{ dxŒjfsfª\Iffsf] aLhf/f]k0f d]/f] x[bodf ePsf] lyof] .
-afNosfnsf d]/f u'?x¿_

/ftsf] t];|f] k|x/ lat]kl5 ;fdfGotM /ftsf] tLg ah] u'? p7\g'x'GYof] / xfdLnfO{ hufpg'x'GYof] . ufpFsf :yfgLo;d]t ljBfyL{x¿sf] x"n eP/ gfËf v'§f sfnLu08sL 3f6df k'UYof}F . u'?sf] cg'z/0f ub}{ u08sLsf] zLtn hndf tLg 8'a'NsL nufpFYof}F, wf]tL k]m/]/ ufoqL hk, ;GWof]kf;gkl5 cFw]/}df psfnf] kms{GYof}F . l7lx¥ofpg] kfgLdf 8'a'lNsg', s7\ofª\lu|Psf gfËf v'§fn] uUo|fpg] af6f]df lxF8\g', k|f/Dedf ;lxg;Sg' si6sf/s eP klg kl/0ffddf k/d :jf:Yoj4{s / ;xh ;Xo /x]sf] u'?sf] of] Jojxf/–bLIffn] ;a]/} hfUg] / hLjg;ª\3if{df b'Mvsi6 kbf{ ;xgzLn x'g ;Sg] j/bfg cfk"mnfO{ ldn]sf] ;De]msf] 5' .
-afNosfnsf d]/f u'?x¿_

@)!& ;fndf ;f]leot sDo'lg:6 kf6L{sf] lgdGq0ffdf g]kfn sDo'lg:6 kf6L{, s]Gb|Lo ;ldltsf] k|ltlglw d08n ¿; e|d0fdf uPsf] lyof] . lbNnLdf lxGbL efiffdf ;f]leot e"ld klqsf k|sflzt x'GYof] . d}n] o; klqsfnfO{ g]kfnLdf klg k|sflzt ug{ cg'/f]w u/]sf] lyPF . To:t} d:sf]df b]jsf]6fsf] d'gfdbgnfO{ ¿;L efiffdf cg'jfb ug]{ k|:tfj /fv]sf] lyPF .
-kfNkfsf] ls;fg cfGbf]ng jl/kl/_

 dnfO{ s;}sf] lg?T;fxg / Joª\Uon] /lQe/ 5'g ;Sb}gYof] . Ps t dnfO{ !# jif{s} pd]/df !((& ;fnsf] zxLb kj{s} a]nfdf kfNkfdf cfk"mn] nufPsf v2/sf n'uf vf]l;Fbf cfˆgf efjgfdf Tofu, alnbfg / cfbz{sf] /fhgLlts r]tgfsf] cÍ'/ 6';fPsf] lyof] . …hot' ;+:s[td\Ú cfGbf]ngn] dnhn xfn]sf] To; efjgfnfO{ Tof] a]nf ev{/sf] Pp6f kljq ;Gbe{n] emg} a9fOlbPsf] lyof] . jL/uGh qmflGtsf] bf}/fgdf zxLb ePsf ly/ad dNnsf] cl:ysnz;lxtsf] eJo ;xfbt clegGbg ;df/f]x agf/;df efu lnPaf6 ddf hlt ;Sof] rfF8f] kfNkf uP/ PstGqL /f0ffzf;glj?4 cfGbf]ng dRrfpg], a? k5{ eg] uf]nL vfP/ !((& ;fnb]lvsf jL/ zxLbx¿sf] kl5 nfUg] efjgf hfu[t ePsf] lyof] .
-zxLb ePsf] va/_

 dxfef/tsf] o'4df Psflt/ aGw'ljgfz t csf]{lt/ IfqLo wd{sf] cGof]ndf k/]/ ls+st{Joljd"9 ePsf ch'{gnfO{ of]u]Zj/ eujfg\ >Ls[i0fn] …sd{0o]jflwsf/:t]Ú sd{df g} ltd|f] clwsf/ 5 eg]/ ;DemfPsf] hLjgsf] dd{ / ;f/–dxTj jf:tjdf ;a} dfgj dfqnfO{ hLjgofqfsf] kljq kfy]o xf] .
-b}lgsLM c;f/ (, @)%)_

 ¿vel/ ;'gf}nf] /hs0f lnPsf rlDsnf rf“bLsf k"mnx¿, ;'uGw TolQs} dgdf]xs, dfx'/L / ej“/fsf u'~hg, gt{g / r'Dag, Tof] a]nf af/Ldf Pp6f :ju{ em/]sf] x'G5 . ;do laTb} hf“bf tL ;]tf kqk'ikx¿ e'O“el/ em/]/ la5fOPsf x'G5g\ . ca j[Gt–j[Gtdf ;fgf xl/of u]8f b"w] aRrfem}“ 6f“l;Psf x'G5g\ . u[xjf;Lsf gh/ k|ltlbg gof“ pmhf{ ln“b} 7"nf–7"nf x'“b} uPsf xl/of kmnnfO{ lgxf/]/ slxNo} c3fp“b}gg\ . km]l/ Pp6f ;do cfp“b5, tL ¿vx¿sf nfnfafnf kx]“n} ;'gsf :j¿kdf b]vf kg{ yfNb5g\ . …:j0f{ gu/LÚ …;'gdf ;'uGwÚ sf] sljsNkgf cyjf pb\uf/sf] oyfy{ / jf:tljstf oxL xf] .
-b}lgsLM c;f/ *, @)%)_

 k"mn k'mNg' g} b]jtfsf] cfudg x'g' xf], k"mnsf] af]6nfO{ gËofP/ / k"mnaf/LnfO{ lj¿k kf/]/ k"mn l6kL b]jtfnfO{ r9fpg'df d}n] s'g} cy{ e]6\lbg“ . eujfg\ t k"mnsf] af]6df g} 5g\ π\
-b}lgsLM c;f/ !!, @)%)_

 cfÎgf] ghLssf] JolQmaf6 k|f/De ePsf] k/b'Mvdf b'lMvt x'g] efjgf / k/b'Mv x/0f ug]{ sd{ g} k|;f/ / Jofks x'“b} uP/ ;dfh, /fi6« / cflv/df …j;'w}j s6'Dasd\Ú df ;dflxt x'g k'Ub5 .
-b}lgsLM k'if !#, @)$*_

d}n] 3gfGwsf/ / b|'bf{Gt zf]if0f pTkL8gdf /x]sf du/ hfltx¿nfO{ hufpg, p7fpg, zf]if0f pTkL8gaf6 d'Qm u/fO{ xs clwsf/ lbnfpg cys k|of; u/]sf] lyPF . d]/f] pd]/sf] pmhf{zLn ;do hDd} vr{ u/]sf] lyPF . ;DejtM du/ hfltsf] Ps s'gfaf6 eP klg hfu/0f, pTyfg, ;Ddfgsf nflu kl/>d ug]{ klxnf] JolQm d g} lyPF  .
-dfcf]jfbL;Fu :kz{_
klxn] dx]Gb|;Fu /fd|} ;DaGw /x]sf] lyof] eg] jL/]Gb|;Fu lrgfhfgL g} lyPg . dx]Gb|sf] lgwg x'g]lalQs} d k~rfotaf6 efUg] ;'/;f/df lyPF t/ jL/]Gb|n] t'?Gt} af]nfP/ …ltd|f af/] dnfO{ a'afaf6 ;a} s'/f x's'd ePsf] 5, ltdLn] /fd|f] sfd ug{ ;S5f}, ev{/ cfPsf] 5', dnfO{ ;xof]u u/Ú eg]kl5 sfd ug{ t yfn]F t/ dg lyPg . @)#^ ;fn h]7 !) df hgdt ;ª\u|xsf] 3f]if0ff eof] . 3f]if0ff laxfg ^ ah] /]l8of]af6 ;'gfOPsf] lyof] . d}n] ToxL lbg laxfg * ah] g} ufpFkms{ /fli6«o cleofg s]Gb|Lo ;ldltsf] a}7s af]nfO{ /fhLgfdf lbPsf] lyPF . To;kl5 /fhf;Fusf] ;DaGw z"Goa/fa/ x'g uof] .
-dfcf]jfbL;Fu :kz{_

k~rfot k|j]z / sDo'lg:6 kf6L{af6 knfogsf] s'/fsf] JofVofdf sltn] dk|lt cg]s lgGbf–3[0ffsf cleJolQmx¿ lbg] u/]sf 5g\, a/fa/ b]Vg]–;'Gg] klg ub{5' . t/ klg ca of] clt j[4fj:yfsf] hLjgdf cfOk'Ubf oL s'g} s'/fn] klg dnfO{ k|efj kfg{ cyjf lvGg agfpg ;Sb}gg\ . lsgeg] d clxn] ;DemG5' – JolQmut ¿kdf d}n] s;}sf] s'enf] u/]sf] 5}g . hglxt / ultzLn l;4fGtsf] ;fF:sfl/s ¿kdf d kljq cf:yfdf afFr]sf] ljZjf; u5'{ . hLjgofqfdf psfnf]–cf]/fnf], lrKnf] cyjf u8fpg], laemfpg] af6f] lxF8\g'k5{, k5fl/OG5 klg . d ;fdfGo dfG5] lyPF, clxn] klg d clt ;fwf/0f dfG5] 5' . ;fwf/0f dfG5] eP/ d]/f] clGtd ofqf k"0f{ x'g]5 .

/fhgLltdf cfhsf] /fHo–;dfhsf] b'u{ltk|lt Pscsf{df cf/f]k–k|Tof/f]kdf ;do vr{g'eGbf a? Jojxf/df cfÎg} rl/qlgdf{0f ug'{sf] ;fy} k[lyjL / k|s[ltsf] :jf:Yo /IfflgldQ cfkm}“n] g} k|b"if0f ljxLgLs[t ug]{ / j[Iff/f]k0f ug]{ cflb sfdsf] k|lt:kwf{ ubf{ 7"nf] dfgjLo / ;xL /fhgLlts of]ubfg x'g] lyof] .
-b}lgsLM c;f/ !), @)%)_

 d hlxn] klg cfÎgf] :jtGq kl/ro sfod /fv]/ g} sfo{If]qdf k|j[Q 5' . …hot' ;+:s[td\Ú cfGbf]ng, …@))& ;fnsf] qmflGtÚ / …sDo'lg:6 cfGbf]ngÚ, …kf“r jif{sf] h]n oftgfÚ, …k~rfotL Joj:yfdf sfdÚ / …:jtGq /fhgLlts lrGtgÚ – log} x'g\ d]/f hLjgofqfsf ultqmdx¿ . oL ;a} qmddf d}n] cfÎgf] 5'§} kl/ro ;bf ;'/lIft /fv]sf] 5' . casf] :jtGq, k|hftflGqs / v'nf elgPsf] cfhsf] ;do / ;dfhdf klg d cfk"m cfkm}“ eP/ af“Rg rfxG5' . a? PSn} …hLjg ofqfÚ df cfjZos eof] eg] /jLGb|gfy 6}uf]/n] sy]h:t} ha cfÎgf] ljj]s / cfTdfsf] cfjfhsf] ;fy lbg] sf]xL x'“b}gg\ To;a]nf æPSnf rnf] PSnf rnf] PSnf rnf] /]Æ eGb} hLjg/y xf“ls/xG5' .
-b}lgsLM r}q !!, @)$*_

 g]kfnL sfª\u|];sf] -vf;u/L sf]O/fnf aGw'x¿sf]_ ef/t / Toxf“sf g]tfx¿;“u Hofbf uf9f cfTdLo ;DaGw 5 / Tof] c:jfefljs eGg klg ldNb}g, lsgeg] g]kfnL sfª\u|];sf] hGd g} ef/tdf ePsf] xf] / g]kfnL hgtfx¿n] ef/tLo :jtGqtf ;ª\u|fds} a]nfb]lv ef/tLo g]tfx¿;“u sf“wdf sf“w ldnfP/ n8]sf / h]n uPsf x'g\ / Pscsf{sf] b'Mv ;'vdf k/:k/ ;xof]u u/]sf x'g\ .
-b}lgsLM r}q !, @)$*_

 k~rfotL Joj:yfsf] ;dodf rLg / ef/tnfO{ k/:k/df n8fpg] / kmfObf p7fpg] ljrf/af6 k//fi6« gLlt to ul/GYof] eg] clxn] ef/t / rLg k/:k/df ldn"g\ eGg] cfjwf/0ffaf6 gLlt agfOPsf] 5 . x'g t k~rfotL Joj:yfn] n8fP/ Tof] a]nf ef/t / rLg n8]sf xf]Ogg\, pgLx¿ n8]sf lyP cf–cfÎg} sf/0fn] . xf] pgLx¿sf] dgd'6fj ePklg g]kfnn] h]–hlt kmfObf p7fpg kYof]{ p7fof] . clxn] rLg / ef/tsf] d]nldnfksf] cWofo z'? ePsf] 5 / g]kfnn] d]nldnfksf] k|z+;f ug}{kb{5 . t/ g]kfnsf] k//fi6« gLltsf] t/fh'df rLg / ef/tnfO{ a/fa/ agfP/ /fv] klg Jojxf/df ef/t ghLs k5{–k5{ . Oltxf; / e"uf]nsf] of] k|s[ltnfO{ s;}n] d]6fpg cyjf abNg ;Sb}g .
-b}lgsLM r}q !, @)$*_

g]kfnsf] k//fi6« gLltsf] t/fh'df rLg / ef/tnfO{ a/fa/ agfP/ /fv] klg Jojxf/df ef/t ghLs k5{–k5{ . Oltxf; / e"uf]nsf] of] k|s[ltnfO{ s;}n] d]6fpg cyjf abNg ;Sb}g .
-b}lgsLM r}q !, @)$*_

5fq cfGbf]ngdfkm{t slxn]sfxL“ ljZjdf 7"nf–7"nf kl/jt{gx¿ klg ePsf kfOPsf 5g\ . OG8f]g]lzofdf ;'sfgf]{sf] lj?4 ;}lgs ljb|f]x x'“bf Toxf“ …sfd"Ú / …sfg"Ú gfdsf b'O{ 5fq ;Ë7gn] ;]gfx¿nfO{ dfu{bz{g ub{y] . k|mfG;df hg/n b] ufnsf] ;dodf ljBfyL{x¿n] dxŒj / k|efj /fv]sf 36gfx¿ ePsf 5g\ . g]kfndf klg ljBfyL{x¿s} cfGbf]ngsf] sf/0f @)#^ ;fnsf] …hgdt–;ª\u|xÚ u/fpg /fhf jL/]Gb| jfWo x'g'k¥of] . g]kfnsf] /fhgLlts hfu/0f / cfGbf]ngsf] P]ltxfl;s k|f/Dedf k|hfkl/ifb\sf] zxLbL 36gfkl5sf] bf];|f] dxŒjk"0f{ 36gf @))$ ;fndf ePsf] ;+:s[t 5fqx¿sf] cfGbf]ng …hot' ;+:s[td\Ú xf] .
-b}lgsLM @)$* k'if @$_
a]nfot, hfkfg, yfONof08sf] pGgltdf eJo uxgf h:t} 5 /fhtGq t/ ckmuflg:tfg, O/fg, l;lSsd clg g]kfnsf /fhfx¿ cf–cfÏg} unt e"ldsfn] Ïof“lsP .

hgtGq, ;dfhjfb / /fi6«jfbnfO{ Pp6} …jfbÚ agFP/ Jojxf/df k|of]u ug{ ;Sbf /fhgLltdf w]/} ;d:ofx¿ ;dfwfg ug{ ;lhnf] kg]{5 .
-b}lgsLM k'if @#, @)$*_

oxf“ dfS;{ / n]lgg hlGdP, a'4, ufGwL / zª\s/frfo{ hlGdP, dxlif{ slkn / kmls/ sjL/ hlGdP . ;+;f/df ca Pp6f k|ltefk"~h hlGdg k¥of] h;n] dflg;x¿sf k|lt:kwf{, åGå / ;ª\3if{nfo{ clx+;|s, zfGt, :j:y / dfgjLo pTyfgsf] lbzfdf df]8\g / abNg ;sf];\ .
-b]zsf] bogLo /fhgLlts, cfly{s / ;fdflhs cj:yf @)$* j}zfv !%_

 ef/t klg uhjsf] b]z hxf“ clx+;fsf cjtf/ dxfk'?if ufGwL hGd] ToxL“ clxn];Dd xfdLn] b]Vbfb]Vb} tLghgf ufGwL – dxfTdf ufGwL, OlGb/f ufGwL / /fhLj ufGwL aa{/ lx+;fsf lzsf/ eP . of] s:tf] lj8Dagf xf] – of] ljzfn b]z ef/tsf] gfddf g} bf“Hg g;lsg] o'4sf] gfd …dxfef/tÚ eGg] /x]sf] 5 .
-b}lgsLM sflQs !$, @)$*_

 dflg;nfO{ u'0fjfg\, cfbz{jfg\, dxfg\ agfpg] dfu{df k|]l/t ug{ xfd|f a'l4dfg\ k"j{hx¿n] k|tLs / ldysdf dgnfO{ 5'g] 3tnfUbf s'/fx¿ eg]sf 5g\ . kfgL / lxnf]af6 lgln{Kt /xg] sdnsf] kft, cfk"mn] ;ª\s6 Joxf]/]/ c¿nfO{ ;ª\s6af6 arfpg sfns"6 ljif kfg ug]{ gLns07 dxfb]j, s:t} k|xf/ / cf3ftdf cljrn / jh|b]x /xg] dxfjL/ xg'dfg, ;xgzLn IfdfzLn k[lyjL, lgd{n cfsfz, uDeL/ ;d'b|, pRr ;u/dfyf h:t} eP/ af“Rg] dfG5] s:tf] x'G5 xf]nf † t/ To:t} x'g'k5{ eg]/ dflg;n] g} jofg u/]sf 5g\ . slt dfG5] To:t} klg ePsf 5g\ /], sltn] k|of; u/] /] . s'/fsf] r'/f] s] xf] eg] – dgsf] pRrtfn] ;DkGg dg:jL, pRr nIo k|fKt ug{ cfsfª\Iff /fVg] dxTTjfsfª\IfL JolQmn] cfÎgf] Pp6f c;fwf/0f, ljlzi6 / cfbz{ kl/ro agfp“b} hfg'k5{ .

 -dflg;nfO{ u'0fjfg\, cfbz{jfg\, dxfg\ agfpg] dfu{sf k|tLs / ldys, @)%), d+l;/ @)_

xfdL cGwljZjf;L aGg'x'“b}g t/ k6 gfl:ts klg x'g' x'“b}g . of] ljZj ;[li6b]lv clxn];Dd ePsf Clif, d'lg, of]uL, ;fws, :jfdL, dxfTdf, 1fgL, ljåfg\, j}1flgs hf];'s} 5g\ s;}n] klg Tof] …cflbtTjÚ g} vf]h,/ …/x:odotfÚ sf] ef}lts ljifoh:t} k|ToIf ;fIffTsf/ u/]sf xf]Ogg\, s]jn cf cg'dfg, kl/sNkgf / ;'kl/lrGtg u/]sf x'g\ / o;} qmddf cfkm}“n] cg'ej u/]sf x'g\ .
-bz{g / wd{x¿ @)$* kmfu'g @(_

xfn ;+;f/df ljBdfg k"“hLjfbL / ;fDojfbL b'j} Joj:yfdf cGtlg{lxt ljleGg bf]ifk"0f{ tTjx¿ ePsf]n] dfgjLo sNof0fsf nflu t];|f] ljZjJoj:yfsf] cfjZostf ePsf] 5 .
7"nf] dfG5] aGg'eGbf c;n dfG5] aGg' j];, ljåfg\ aGg'eGbf ;Hhg aGg' j]; .
-b}lgsLM @)$*  d+l;/ @%_

cxf † Tof] slt cfgGbsf] If0f x'G5 ha Pp6fsf] b'Mv–si6, kL8f–Joyf csf]{n] klg cg'ej ul//x]sf] x'G5, af“l8/x]sf] x'G5, Pp6fnfO{ b'Vbf ;f“Rr} csf]{nfO{ klg b'lv/x]sf] x'G5 .

jL=kL= sf]O/fnf hlt /fhgLlts Ifdtfjfg\ lyP, To;sf] t'ngfdf u0f]zdfg, lul/hf / s[i0fk|;fb tLg}hgfnfO{ Ps} 7fp“df ldnfp“bf klg x'g ;Sb}g .
-b}lgsLM df3 !%, @)$*_

csfnd} sfn sjlnt x'g' cg}lts xf] ls of}g Jofkf/ cg}lts xf] < s;n] km};nf lbg] < ;fw', ;Gt, dxfTdf, eujfg\ gfdwf/Lx¿n] lbg] pkb]z / g}lts lzIffdf slt ;To / oyfy{ 5 < s;}n] klg s;}nfO{ jf:tljs ljZjf; lbnfpg ;s]sf] 5}g .
-b}lgsLM r}q #, @)$*_

 hf] /fi6« b]z, sfn, kl/l:yltcg';f/ cfr/0f ub}{g, Tof] /fi6« Oltxf;sf] uxg cGwsf/df 8'a]/ n'Kt x'G5 .
-b}lgsLM r}q #, @)$*_

k|To]s ;r]t :jfledfgL g]kfnLsf] ljrf/ g} d]/f] ljrf/ xf] . k|To]s g]kfnLsf] rfxgf of] cf“vfsf] gfgL h:tf] / hqf] /fi6« ;'/lIft /xf];\, k|ltli7t agf];\ ;fy} g]kfnLhg / ;dfh ;Eo Pjd\ ;Dk"0f{ If]qdf ;d'Ggt agf];\ .
-b}lgsLM k'if @#, @)$*_
(;Íns tyf ;Dkfbs – ;GWof /]UdL)


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