Sunday, October 9, 2011




(July 30, 2011)
;GWofsf sljtf / Sofgef;x¿
(a collection of Sandhya's Poetry & Paintings)

Prof. Dr. Govinda Raj Bhattarai releasing Sandhya's book

Sandhya Regmi



(July 30, 2011)
;GWofsf sljtf / Sofgef;x¿
(a collection of Sandhya's Poetry & Paintings)

Particulars of the released book
Book Title
Sandhyaka kabita ra kyanvasharu
(ISBN 978-9937-2-3652-2)
Author & Editor
Sandhya Regmi
Adwiteeya Shiwakoti
A collection of Sandhya’s poetry and canvases

Commentaries on the book

This book is a mirror of Sandhya’s personality and inner self. One feels a grand entrance of a new voice amidst contemporary female writers, the presence of a successful feminine poet. Sandhya’s compositions are comprehensively framed, contents are coherent and stand distinct. Her lyrics sing national songs while music echo foreign drums. Its contents display broad spectra in a skillful way. Mother nature dwells in her composition. Through her book she has demonstrated profound understanding of fundamentals of composition while possessing qualities of contemporary critic and being a conscious female writer.
-Prof. Dr. Govinda Raj Bhattarai
(Professor, Dept. of English, TU)

Generally speaking, there is mismatch between science & technology and art & literature. While the former is based on scientific facts and philosophies, the latter is founded on imagination and emotion. As such, coupling of these two fundamentally contracting realms is rarely seen. Sandhya is one of such rare examples, who being trained in scientific and technical fields is also devoted to and proficient in Fine Art and Literature. Her creation and contribution in Literature and Fine Art have given me profound happiness. The nation needs more of multitalented personalities like Sandhya for the revolution in Literature and Fine Art in Nepal.
-Kiran Manandhar
Chancellor, NAFA (Nepal Academyof Fine Arts)

In this book Sandhya has reflected her intellectual capability in national and international context. Through the poem “Brikchya” (tree), she conveys the message of global warming, environmental preservation and humanity. In many of her poems, she advocates feminism. Poems like “Nepal Ama lai Patra” (letter to mother Nepal),“Brikchya” (tree), “Uniharu Ra Hami” (East vs West), “Eklo Abhimanyu Timi” (you the lonely warrior), “Santaan” (offspring) and “Dewata Bolchha Sworga bata”(God proclaims from Heaven”) shake the heart and mind of every reader.
-Prof. Dr. Khem Koirala 'Bandhu'
Professor, TU

While going through Sandhya’s composition I was emotionally and mentally overwhelmed. Her poems thunder across infinite depth and breadth. As a patriotic poet, she stands as a strong pillar of the nation. Reading the poem, “Eklo Abhimanyu Timi” (you the lonely warrior), written in the memory of Ashish, maternal feelings and affection erupt through my heart. With her humanistic ideals Sandhya has stood as a reflection of Promethean doctrine in her poem “Dewata Bolchha Sworga Bata” (God proclaims from Heaven” .
-Aruna Koirala
Writer and Poet

Merging Fine Art and Literature Sandhya Regmi has succeeded in constructing a bridge by bringing lovers of literature and art together, with a distinct taste. Her talent in abstract paintings as well as portrait is highly admirable.
-K. K. Karmacharya
Member Secretary, NAFA (Nepal Academy of Fine Arts)

Sandhya’s writings salute nationalism. They take pride in being Nepali. Her composition is rich in nationalism, awareness of humanism, call for end of dictatorship, slavery, evilness, exposure of bad deeds, deceptionless delightful Nepal. Sandhya has spilled over poetic thoughts in colours too. Her canvases whether abstract or portrait paintings are no less than that of a established professional artist. Being an Engineer, her creation are of high standard which is very rare. Some are Engineers only, some can only write poems, and some do art alone. In contrast, Sandhya’s talent in all the three distinct fields is highly commendable. I believe this book has secured a unique place in the field of Literature and Fine Art.
-Ramesh Khanal
Writer and Artist
President, Fine Art Critic Society of Nepal

from the book……..
;GWof /]UdLsf sljtfsf s]xL gd"gfx¿

g]kfn cfdfnfO{ kq
-k|jf;L g]kfnLsf] b]zk|]d_

k"HogLo g]kfn cfdf †

xfdL t grfx“bfgrfx“b} klg k|jf;L eof}+
;f/f dfGohgnfO{ xfd|f] k|0ffd †
xfdL t jt{dfgd} klg ctLt eof}+
;f/f b]zjf;LnfO{ xfd|f] ;nfd †

k|l;l4 t s] sdfpg ;SYof}“ / of] k/b]zdf
t/ clnslt eP klg ;d[l4 sdfpg] /x/n]
;ft ;d'b| kf/ u/L
ljb]z e"lddf kfOnf 6]Sg gkfp“b}
xfdL s}n] d'DaO{df a]lrG5f}“
dn]lzof k'Ubf cfÎg} b]zsf Dofgkfj/ Ph]G;Laf6 7luG5f}“
df}l/;;sf] 6fk" cfOk'Ubf ef/tLo 5§"x¿af6 n'l6G5f}“
>lds agL b'afO{ k'Ubf if8oGqsf/Lx¿af6 s'l6G5f}“
O/fs k'Ubf cftª\sjfbLsf t/jf/df ;]l/{G5f}“
nfx'/] agL a]nfotdf kfOnf 6]Sof}“ ls egL ;f]Rbf
ckmuflg:tfgdf ws]ln“b} tflnjfgsf uf]nLdf e'l6G5f}“
8L=eL=n] efUo v'Nof] egL 3/af/ a]rL cd]l/sf k'Ubf
/ftlbg s'NnLs} lhGbuL latfpg jfWo x'G5f}“
/ :jb]z kms{g] d[ut[i0ffdf t8\lkG5f}“
xfdL slxn] afnL ad ljikmf]6df pl5l§G5f}“
slxn] k'ms]6 ;'gfdL k|nodf efl;G5f}“
hd{gLsf z/0ffyL{ lzlj/df k'Ubf
gLof]gfemLaf6 lhp“b} cfuf]df kf]lnG5f}“
xª\sª\ / l;¨fk'/df dhb'/L ubf{ub}{
hfkfg / sf]l/ofdf ef/L af]Sbfaf]Sb}
xfdL ysfO / x]kfOn] uNg;Dd uN5f}“
c/asf vf8Lx¿df kl;gfsf wf/f aufp“bfaufp“b}
xfdL r"0f{r"0f{ eO{ ;bfsf nflu 9N5f}“
:jb]zdf eP t x'GYof] sd;]sd
;Ddfgk"j{s xfd|f] bfx;+:sf/
:jb]zdf eP t x'GYof] sd;]sd
;Ddfgk"j{s xfd|f] bfx;+:sf/
oxf“ t xfdL kz'sf] eGbf klg bogLo d[To' d5f}{+
oxf“ t xfdL kz'sf] eGbf klg bogLo d[To' d5f}{+ .

;f/f dfGohgnfO{ xfd|f] k|0ffd †
;f/f b]zjf;LnfO{ xfd|f] ;nfd †

cfdf †
eSsfgf] 5'6\bf–5'6\bf cj?4 ePsf] xf]nf ltd|f] unf
cf“;' l/lQP/ z'is ag]sf xf]nfg\ ltd|f cf“vfx¿
lj/xflUgsf] Hjfnfn] hn]sf] xf]nf ltd|f] 5ftL
eo / qf;n] lynf]lynf] ePsf] xf]nf ltd|f] z/L/
xfd|f cf“vfx¿df tL dfld{s b[Zox¿ k|ltljlDat x'“bf
d'6'af6 /utsf] cf“;' aufO{ xfdL 5ftL lk6Llk6L ?G5f}“
d'6'af6 /utsf] cf“;' aufO{ xfdL 5ftL lk6Llk6L ?G5f}“ .

laGtL 5 cGoyf g;Dem,
xfd|f] cf“vfsf] gfgLdf s;}sf] dfof a;]sf] 5 eg] Tof] ltd|} xf]
xfd|f] k/]nLdf s;}sf] ;Demgfsf] 5fof“ k/]sf] 5 eg] Tof] ltd|} xf]
xfd|f] xftel/ ltd|} ;'jf; 5
xfd|f] k|f0fel/ ltd|} pR5\jf; 5
b]z b]jfno / u'Dafdf xf]Og
dlGb/ / r}Tosf 6'“8fn / vDafdf …lg xf]Og
b]z t sd{¿kL ehg–cf/tLn] cfnf]lst
dgdlGb/s} k|fË0fdf x'G5
b]z >4f xf] d"lt{ xf]Og
b]z cf:yf xf] kj{ xf]Og
wd{ / bz{gsf hl6n ;"qdf xf]Og
l;4fGt / ljjfbsf] o'4df …lg xf]Og
b]z t z'4 ljrf/ / cfbz{sf] a'4df x'G5
/fhgLlt / s"6gLltsf] OGb|hfnL 58Ldf xf]Og
b]z t xflb{stf / af}l4stfsf] dha"b s8Ldf x'G5
cledfgL cfTdZnfwfsf] r9fgdf xf]Og
b]z t :jfledfgL r}tGosf] c8fgdf x'G5
b]z ;f“Rr} g} d'6'df x'G5 ;Ldfgfdf xf]Og
b]z /utsf g;f–g;fdf aU5 gbLdf xf]Og
cfdf †
xfdLn] t cfÎgf] dgleq ltdLnfO{ g} ;hfPsf 5f}“
xfdLn] t cfÎgf g;f–g;fdf ltdLnfO{ g} aufPsf 5f}“
ltdLaf6 hlt g} 6f9f eP klg
xfdL t ltd|} dfofdf b|jLe"t eP/ af“lr/x]sf 5f}“
xfdL t ltd|} dfofdf b|jLe"t eP/ af“lr/x]sf 5f}“ .

cfdf †
ltd|f] sfvdf a;L ltd|} jgh¨n df:g]
ltd|f] :tgkfg u/L ltd|} gbLgfnf a]Rg]
ltd|f] 5ftLdf r/L ltd|} unf /]6\g]
…b]zeQmÚ …;f+;bÚ …dGqLÚ sf] ku/L u'yL
ltdLk|lt g} u2f/L ug]{ tL b]zb|f]xL]x¿eGbf
xfdL w]/} w]/} 6f9f eP/ klg
w]/} w]/} b'Mv kfP/ klg
ltdLk|lt OdfGbf/ / jkmfbf/ 5f}“
xfdL dxfTdf aGg g;s] klg
tL s';GtfgeGbf kljq 5f}“
xfdL dxfg\ aGg g;s] klg
tL s';GtfgeGbf c;n 5f}“
xfdLnfO{ t cfÎgf] ljb]z a;fOe/sf] rf]vf] sdfOn]
s'g} tfhdxn / zLzdxn xf]Og
Toxf“ dfofsf] Pp6f ;fgf] s'6L agfpg kfP k'U5
To; s'6Lsf] cufl8 Pp6f ;'Gb/ k"mnaf/L ;hfpg kfP k'U5
To; k"mnaf/Lsf] 5ftLdf ;~hLjgL a"6L pdfg{ kfP k'U5
To; ;~hLjgL a"6Ln] ltdLnfO{ chDd/L agfpg kfP k'U5
To; ;~hLjgL a"6Ln] ltdLnfO{ chDd/L agfpg kfP k'U5 .

;f/f dfGohgnfO{ xfd|f] k|0ffd †
;f/f b]zjf;LnfO{ xfd|f] ;nfd †

b]znfO{ cfnf] /utsf] cfxfndf r'n'{Dd 8'afO{
dxfljgfzsf] tf08j g[To ug]{x¿sf] af/]df ;'Gbf
oxf“ xfd|f] d'6' kf]N5
b]zdf u[xo'4sf] Hjfnf bGsfO{
lgbf]{ifx¿sf] /utn] cfÎgf] cg'xf/ kf]Tg]x¿nfO{
6L=eL= sf kbf{df b]Vbf
oxf“ xfd|f] kmf]S;f] hN5
b]zsf k|frLg d"lt{x¿ rf]/L cfÎgf] 9's'6L eg]{x¿sf]
3[l0ft cg'xf/ ;Dem“bf
oxf“ xfd|f] sn]hf] aN5
/fli6«otf, :jfwLgtf, ;dfgtfh:tf ;+j]bgzLn ljifox¿df
v]njf8 x'“bf
oxf“ xfd|f] z/L/af6 tftf] /utsf] kmf]xf]/f 5'6\5
r/d ul/aL / ef]sd/Ln] z'is ePsfx¿sf]
cft{gfb ;'Gbf
oxf“ xfd|f] Xbo l5ofl5of x'G5
b]zelQmsf vf]qmf gf/f / efif0f 5f“6\b}
cem} klg hgtfnfO{ kmf];|f cfZjf;g / wf]sf lbO/x]sf g]tfx¿ g}
k'/:s[t / ;Ddflgt eO/x]sf] ;'Gg'kbf{
oxf“ xfd|f] dl:tis ljlIfKt aG5
g]kfnLn] g]kfnLnfO{ d'bf{ agFO/x]sf
eofjx b[Zox¿ b]Vbf
oxf“ xfdLnfO{ dfgl;s cf3ft k5{

cfdf †
Toxf“ ltd|f] cfzf / pT;fxdf 7]; nfUbf
ltd|f] cf:yf / ljZjf;df k}/f] hf“bf
ltd|f] 5ftL / dl:tisdf r6\ofª\ kbf{
ltdLnfO{ ;f“Rr} xfd|f] vf“rf] kbf{
Toxf“ pkl:yt x'g g;Sbf
slxn]sfxL“ t o:tf] nfU5 –
xfd|f] hLjg a]sf/, a]sDdf / cy{xLg lalt/x]5
o:tf] cg'e"t x'G5–
xfd|f] hLjg Joy{ l/lQ/x]5
xfd|f] hLjg
>Ls[i0fn] Toflu;s]kl5sf] ch'{gsf] uf08Ljh:tf] alg/x]5
xfd|f] hLjg
>Ls[i0fn] Toflu;s]kl5sf] ch'{gsf] uf08Ljh:tf] alg/x]5 .

cfdf †
ltd|f] ddtfdo cd[twf/ c~h'lnel/ yfKg gkfPsf]
Ps o'u laTof]
ltd|f] xftsf] cIftf / hd/fn] lgwf/ eg{ gkfPsf]
ca t Ps h'u laTof]
ltd|f] r/0fdf 3f]K6L cfzLjf{b dfUg gkfPsf]
slt xf] slt jif{ laTof]
ltd|f] sfvsf] l;x|fgLdf lgbfpg kfpg' t
ca ;kgfsf] s'/f eof]
bz}“ / ltxf/sf] lbg klg ljb]zd} ef/L af]Sg' t
ca cEof; x'“b} uof]
ca t xfdLnfO{ bz}“ cfP klg s] gcFP klg s]
ca t xfdLnfO{ ltxf/ cfP klg s] gcfP klg s]
;f“Rr} eg]sf] –
ca t xfdLnfO{ bz}“ cfP klg s] gcfP klg s]
ca t xfdLnfO{ ltxf/ cFP klg s] gcFP klg s] .

;f/f dfGohgnfO{ xfd|f] k|0ffd †
;f/f b]zjf;LnfO{ xfd|f] ;nfd †

xfdLnfO{ cfef; x'G5 cfdf †
ltdLn] lbgx'“ ug]{ k|fy{gf / jGbgfdf
xfd|} ;':jf:Yo / bL3f{o'sf] sfdgf 5
ltdLn] ug]{ x/]s cr{gf / pkf;gfdf
xfd|} pHhjn eljiosf] cf/fwgf 5
la;]{sf 5}gf}“ xfdLn] –
ltdLnfO{ sf“wdf af]sL ;+;f/ 3'dfpg' 5
ltdLnfO{ lz/df /fvL ljZjel/ lrgfpg' 5
ltd|f nflu xfdLn] w]/} w]/} ug'{ 5
ltdLnfO{ arfpg xfdL w]/}k6s dg'{ 5
ltdLnfO{ arfpg xfdL w]/}k6s dg'{ 5

xfdL lIflthdf ;"o{;“u;“u} gc:tfcf}“ of] k/b]zdf
xfdL k===/ k===/ cfsfzdf gx/fcf}“ of] k/b]zdf
xfdL z"Go dxfz"Godf glanfcf}“ of] k/b]zdf
xfdL slxNo} gAo"“lemg] u/L glgbfcf}“ of] k/b]zdf
xfdL slxNo} gAo"“lemg] u/L glgbfcf}“ of] k/b]zdf .

cfdf †
;u/dfyfsf] lz/ cem} e'ms]sf] 5}g
n'lDagLsf] klxrfg cem} la6'lnPsf] 5}g
j}dg:otfn] 89]nf] nfu]sf a:tLx¿df
jGw'Tjsf] jiff{ ug{
ljWj+;n] phf8 kf/]sf rf]sx¿df
zflGtsf] clj/n gbL aufpg
d'6'df rs]{sf 3fpx¿df dnxd ag]/
t/jf/nfO{ klg sf6\g ;Sg] snd ag]/
clngf clngf cf6fel/ g"g ag]/
c“w]/f c“w]/f kf6fel/ h"g ag]/
ljkGg ljkGg af6fel/ ;'g ag]/
pbf; pbf; cf“vfdf hLjg eg{
cf]l;nf cf]l;nf kfvfdf 3fd 5g{
If0fe/d} p8]/ ;lsg] sk"/ ag]/ xf]Og
;bf;bf lz/df ;lhg] sf]lxg"/ ag]/
xfdL t a;\ gf}nf] hf“u/ / pT;fx lnP/
ltd|} eljiosf nflu cgGt ;Defjgfx¿ af]s]/
Pp6f ck"j{ uf}/jsf] w/f]x/ lgdf{0f ug{
ltd|} sfvdf kmls{g] ceLi6 cleofgdf 5f}“
ltd|} sfvdf kmls{g] ceLi6 cleofgdf 5f}“ .

;f/f dfGohgnfO{ ;GWofsf] k|0ffd †
;f/f b]zjf;LnfO{ ;GWofsf] ;nfd †

c“Wof/f] laxfgL

o'u km]l/of] ;do km]l/of]
dflg;sf b[li6sf]0f / ljrf/ km]l/P
l;4fGt km]l/of] Joj:yf km]l/of]
dflg;sf cg'xf/ / cfjfh km]l/P
;DaGw km]l/of] rng km]l/of]
b'lgof“sf cfbz{sf cy{ km]l/P
t/ b'Mvn] cfÎgf] kl/efiff km]g{ kfPg
cf“;'n] cfÎgf] /¨ km]g{ kfPg
Pp6f nfdf] cGt/fnkl5 klg
lgwf{sf] nnf6n] cfÎgf] efUo km]g{ kfPg .

cf}krfl/s cfGbf]ngdf ljKnjsf uuge]bL gf/fx¿ p7] klg s] †
ha oxf“ n'6\g], n'5\g], lyRg] / r':g] k/Dk/f oyfjt} /xG5 eg]
kl/jt{gsf cfjfhdf /fhgLltsf 7"nf 7"nf efif0fx¿ uh]{ klg s] †
ha lu4 / rLnsf cfqmd0flj?4 s'g} sbd rfln“b}g eg]
ul/aL lgjf/0fsf hlt g} u'?dGq k'ms] klg s] †
c;xfonfO{ ;fy lbg] hlt g} bL3{of]hgf k'mn] klg s] †
cfO{=Pg=hL=cf]=sf k|fbf] / kh]/f]x¿ ;8sel/ u'8] klg s] †
bft[;+:yfsf la|kms]; nflbPsf xjfO{hxfhx¿ cfsfzel/ p8] klg s] †
ha ;a} cf:yf, ljZjf; / dfGotf
;a} cfbz{, pkb]z / dxfgtf
zf]if0f / n"6d} Jo:t / d:t /xG5g\ eg]
dfgj;Eotfsf tdfd pknlAwx¿sf] ;f/ g} s] †
ha dfG5] dfG5]aLrsf] vf8n slxNo} k'l/“b}g eg] .

a'4d"lt{df k"mn r9fO{ hlt g} zflGt sfdgf u/] klg s] †
:jtGqtfsf k|tLs hlt hf]/ k/]jfx¿ p8fP klg s] †
zxLb lbj;sf] gfddf hlt >4f~hln sfo{qmd /fv] klg s] †
cf/tL hufO{ dlGb/df hlt g} dËn–jGbgf ufP klg s] †
cgfjZos 9f]+u, cxd\ / k|lti7fsf] l/Qf] k/Dk/f Tofu]/ dflg;
r]tgfsf] lju'n k'ms]/ ultjfg\ x'g ;Sb}g eg]
;dfhsf nflu pm Pp6f lgM:jfy{ ;ª\sNk ug{ tof/ x'“b}g eg]
;dfh;'wf/sf a'“bfx¿ ;+ljwfgsf kfgfel/ ;hfP/ g} s] †
ha oxf“ s'g} ;';+:sf/ knfpg ;Sb}g eg] .

xfdLn] e"uf]n / Oltxf; kfP/ kf] s] †
k|hftGq / dfgjflwsf/df c“u'7f 5fk nfP/ kf] s] †
:jfledfg / :jtGqtfsf uLt ufP/ kf] s] †
ha xfdLn] slxNo} cfTdlg0f{o / cfTdljZjf; kfpg ;s]gf}“ eg]
l;¨f] /fi6« g} kfP/ kf] s] †
ha b]zsf] ;+j]bgzLntfnfO{ d'6'df af]Sg ;s]gf}“eg] .

h]g]efb]lv a]Olhª\ ;Dd]ngsf] g]t[Tj u/]/ g} s] †
dlxnf d'lQm ;Ë7gsf] cfGbf]ng 5]8]/ g} s] †
ha gf/Lsf] ;f“Rr}sf] ;Ddfg
k'?ifsf] cfGtl/s r]tgfaf6 x'g yfNb}g eg]
p;nfO{ hubDaf k'h]/ g} s] †
p;nfO{ w/tLsf] pkgfd lbP/ g} s] †
Jojxf/df p;sf] l;h{gf / ;lxi0f'tfsf]
Ps /QL sb/ x'g ;Sb}g eg] .

k[lyjL uf]nf] ePsf] k|dfl0ft u/]/ kf] s] †
ha oxf“sf] ;+:sf/ r]K6fsf] r]K6} /xG5 eg]
cGtl/Ifdf zfgbf/ p8fg xf“s]sf]df ujf]{Tkm'Nn eP/ kf] s] †
rGb|df / d¨n u|xdf kfOnf 6]s]sf]df ljho dfg]/ kf] s] †
csf]{ gof“ u|xsf] vf]hLdf ;kmntf kfPsf] va/ NofP/ kf] s] †
ha Pp6L cjnf gf/Lsf] anfTsf/ lj?4sf] u'xf/df
Pp6f czQm l5d]sLsf] cfsl:ds lrTsf/df
Pp6L kLl8t j[4fsf] cft{gfbdf
dflg; cfÎgf] sf]7fsf] kl/lw gf3]/
;xof]usf] xft km}nfpg ;d]t hfGb}g eg]
dlGb/, dl:hb, u'Daf / luhf{el/ O{Zj/ hk]/ g} s] †
ha ;+;f/sf] ;a}eGbf 7"nf] wd{ u'ld;s]sf] 5 eg] .

lxdfn xf“;]/ g} s] †
ha dg ?g 5f8\b}g eg]
/ft x6]/ g} s] †
ha cGwsf/ x6\b}g eg]
laxfg eP/ g} s] †
ha hut\ hudufp“b}g eg]
k"mn k'mn]/ g} s] †
ha w/tL dudufp“b}g eg] .

pgLx¿ / xfdL

pgLx¿;“u s] 5}g < ;ayf]s 5
lzIff, :jf:Yo, ;~rf/, oftfoftsf] ljsf; 5
pBf]u, Jofkf/, lj1fg, k|ljlwsf] rdTsf/ 5
pgLx¿ ;fwg;'ljwfn] el/k"0f{ 5g\
ef}lts ;'v;onn] kl/k"0f{ 5g\
t/ klg dnfO{ t nfU5 –
pgLx¿n] s]xL lht]sf 5}gg\
g t xfdLn] g} s]xL xf/]sf 5f}“
pgLx¿n] s]xL kfPsf 5}gg\
g t xfdLn] g} s]xL u'dfPsf 5f}“
pgLx¿ ljsf;sf] s'g} w'/L r9]sf 5}gg\
;Eotfsf] s'g} lzv/ pSn]sf 5}gg\
;d[l4sf] s'g} dxf;fu/ kf}8]sf 5}gg\
pgLx¿;“u Toxf“ ;ayf]s eP/ klg s]xL 5}g
lsgls –
Toxf“ cfdfx¿ 5}gg\ afa'x¿ 5}gg\
5f]/fx¿ 5}gg\ 5f]/Lx¿ 5}gg\
kltx¿ 5}gg\ kTgLx¿ 5}gg\
;fyLx¿ 5}gg\ cfkmGtx¿ 5}gg\
gftfuf]tf / ;DaGwx¿ 5}gg\
pgLx¿sf] ;dfh cNkfo'sf] ;dfh xf]
hxf“ cfdfafa'sf nflu k|To]s 5f]/f5f]/L
c7f/ jif{ k'u]kl5 d5{g\
5f]/f5f]/Lsf nflu cfdfafa'
xftv'§f 5“b} ckfË aG5g\
Toxf“ g ;Ddfg 5 g ;Tsf/
g >4f 5 g >f4
g clegGbg 5 g cleif]s
g k"hf 5 g cf/tL
g k'sf/ 5 g cflzif
cfly{s ;d[l4sf] o'4df x]lnPsf pgLx¿
cflTds ;'vsf] hLjgaf6 ljd"v 5g\
;dfhk|lt st{JoRo't 5g\
w'hfw'hf ePsf] 5 pgLx¿sf] kl/jf/
r"0f{r"0f{ ePsf] 5 pgLx¿sf] ;dfh
pgLx¿ Ho"“b} d/]t'No 5g\ .

s] 5}g oxf“ xfdL;“u klg < ;ayf]s 5
c;Ld ul/aL 5, cgGt ef]s 5, c;ª\Vo /f]u 5
xfd|f] cufl8 cefj} cefjsf] vf8n 5
si6} si6sf] kxf8 5
t/ klg xfdL b'Mvsf k|To]s kxf8nfO{ 6]Sb} hfG5f}“
xfdLleq ;Too'ub]lv aln/x]sf] cfuf] 5
h;sf] e/e/fp“bf] /fkdf xfdL
nxnfp“bf] eljiosf nflu ;ª\3if{/t 5f}“
cefjsf] vf8Laf6 p7]/
hLjgsf] cfNxflbt kns vf]Ng k|oTg/t 5f}“
xfdLleqsf] cfuf] pHofnf], Gofgf] / hLjgbfoL 5
/ t xfdL hLjGt 5f}“
xfdL ch/ 5f}“ cd/ 5f}“
xfdL Tof] cf/fWo / k"Ho ;dfh xf}“
Tof] cdL/ ;+:s[lt / ;Eotf xf}“
hxf“ dftfx¿sf] houfg x'G5
lktfx¿sf] cf/tL x'G5
k':tf}“k':tf;Dd lkt[sf] ;Demgf / >4fdf >f4 x'G5
u'? / cltlynfO{ klg dftflktfs} bhf{df /fvL
…cfrfo{ b]jf] ejMÚ …cltly b]jf] ejMÚ sf] hkgf x'G5
oxf“ cfdfafa' 5f]/f5f]/Lsf x/]s cefj / ;ª\s6df
;xf/f x'G5g\, ;xof]uL x'G5g\, 5xf/L x'G5g\
cfdfafa'sf] Tof] ddtfsf] 5ftL xfd|f] :ju{ xf]
To;}df xfd|f] hLjgdo 56f 5
h;n] xfdLnfO{ o'uo'ufGt/ arfO/x]5
To;}n] dnfO{ eGg dg nfU5 –
pgLx¿ d[t x'g\ xfdL cd[t
pgLx¿ ldYof x'g\ xfdL ;To
pgLx¿ Ifl0fs x'g\ xfdL zfZjt
pgLx¿ gZj/ x'g\ xfdL cd/ .

d t eG5' –
pgLx¿ oGqdfgj x'g\
hf];“u z/L/ 5 t/ d'6' 5}g
dl:tis 5 t/ Xbo 5}g
;f]r 5 t/ ;+j]bgf 5}g
pgLx¿ efjgfz"Go ljåfg\ x'g\
;+j]bgfxLg a'l4hLjL x'g\
pgLx¿sf ljBf / a'l4sf cxflb{s zAbn]
d]/f] dgdf t/¨ pTkGg u/fpg ;Sb}g
tL oflGqs pRrf/0fnfO{ d efiff / ;flxTo dfGg ;lSbg“
pgLx¿sf] cg'xf/ 5 t/ efjelËdf 5}g
cf“vf 5 t/ To;df s?0ff 5}g
cf]7 5 t/ To;df rf]vf] d':sfg 5}g
r'Dag 5 t/ To;df dfof 5}g
c“ufnf] 5 t/ To;df Gofgf] 5}g
5ftL 5 t/ To;df ;dk{0fsf] efj 5}g
hLjg 5 t/ Toxf“ dL7f] lhGbufgL 5}g
zfob pgLx¿ sd dflg; / a9L kz' x'g\
pgLx¿ Tof] gf/sLo b'lgof“ x'g\ –
hxf“ kltkTgLsf] gftf of}g ;DaGwafx]s s]xL x'“b}g
dfofsf] kl/efiff zf/Ll/s ;Dks{l;jfo s]xL x'“b}g
cfgGbsf] cy{ ;Def]uafx]s c¿ s]xL x'“b}g
hxf“ ljjfx ;fdflhs cfbz{ / ;+:s[ltsf] Bf]ts x'“b}g
hxf“ …Dofl/hÚ ub}{ …8fOef];{Ú ug'{ afof“ xftsf] v]n x'G5
n'uf km]/] em}“ dfof km]g'{ ;fpgsf] ;:tf] e]n x'G5
hxf“ j+zk/Dk/f klg of}gsf] kl/0ffdafx]s s]xL x'“b}g
hxf“ 5f]/f5f]/Lsf cfdfafa' kltkTgL xf]Og
Ps cfk;df s]6f ;fyL / s]6L ;fyL dfq x'G5g\
hxf“ bfh'alxgL / lbbLefOsf] ;DaGwn]
s'g} ltxf/ Nofp“b}g s'g} bLkfjnL emNdnfp“b}g
hxf“ g/gf/Lsf] ;DaGwn] s]jn …k|mf]o8Ú nfO{ dfq ;Demfp“5
/ c¿ ;a} ;a}nfO{ la;f{p“5
To:tf] vf]qmf] ;dfhsf] abfdsf] af]qmf hlt klg tf}n x'“b}g
To:tf] l/Qf] hLjgsf] knf“;sf] k"mn hlt klg df]n x'“b}g .

xfdL cefj}cefjsf] lhGbuL u'hf5f}{+ t s] eof]<
pgLx¿n] h:tf] cfdfafa'sf lj?4
cbfntdf xfdL d'2f t xfNb}gf}“ †
;DklQ y'kfg{ ;s]gf}“ t s] eof] <
pgLx¿n] h:tf] cfdfafa'nfO{ hLjgsf] pQ/f4{df
xfdL j[4f>dlt/ t ws]Nb}gf}“ †
xfdL ul/a 5f}“ t s] eof] <
pgLx¿h:tf] cfltYo;Tsf/af6 Ro't eO{
xfdL 3/df cfPsf kfx'gfnfO{ u]:6 xfp;lt/ t nv]6\b}gf}“ †
xfdL t Tof] cfbz{do b'lgof“ xf}“
–hxf“ kTgL / afnaRrfsf lglDt ;]l/g tof/ x'g]
;ª\3if{zLn ;+/Ifs kltx¿ 5g\ lktfx¿ 5g\
cfÎgf ;Dk"0f{ cefjx¿ 5f]k]/ dfof / d':sfgs} Jo~hg k:sg]
;xgzLn ;dlk{t kTgLx¿ 5g\ cfdfx¿ 5g\
hxf“ u[x:yf>db]lv ;Gof;f>d;Dd
kltn] kTgLaf6 :ofxf/, ;';f/ / ljrf/ kfO/xG5g\
kTgLn] kltaf6 cf8, e/f];f / ;'/Iff kfO/xG5g\
;Gtfgn] cfdfafa'af6 cgGt cgGt dfof kfO/xG5g\
Tof] eGbf dL7f] cg'e"lt hLjgdf c¿ s] x'g ;Snf †
Tof] eGbf 7"nf] ;Gt'li6 b'lgof“df c¿ s] x'g ;Snf †

pgLx¿sf] ;Eo / ;d[4 egfp“bf] zx/df
s}of}“ jif{sf] cfTd;ft\n] klg
ckl/lrt cfTdLo aGg ;Sb}g
306f}“ nfdf] ;xofqfdf klg
b'O{ zAb dL7f] jftf{nfk x'g ;Sb}g
lsgls pgLx¿ oGqdfgj x'g\
ef}lts ;'v g} pgLx¿sf] pknlAw xf]
lr;f] lr;f] kmnfdsf] l9Ssf g} pgLx¿sf] d'6' xf]
;Eotfsf] gfddf cZnLntf k|bz{g ug]{
…lxlKkOhdÚ nfO{ d …x\oflKkOhdÚ dfGg ;lSbg“
cfw'lgstfsf] gfddf dfgjLo ;+j]bgf u'dfP/
k|fljlws / ef}lts ;d[l4sf] k/fsfi7fd} k'u] klg
To:tf] ;dfhsf] d u'0fufg ug{ ;lSbg“
dfgjtf u'dfP/ d slxNo} ;d[4 aGg rfx“lbg
;DaGw 6'6fP/ d PSn} ;DkGg x'g hflGbg“
;fyL 5'6fP/ cfk"m dfq} k|;Gg x'g ;lSbg“
;'g ;fyL †
cfdfafa' lagfsf] kl/jf/ d]/f] cfbz{ x'g ;Sb}g
5f]/f5f]/L lagfsf] cf“ug d]/f] k"mnaf/L x'g ;Sb}g
/f]af]6nfO{ s'g} cy{df d dfG5] dfGg ;lSbg“
kmnfdsf] l9Ssf]nfO{ s'g} zt{df d OHht ug{ ;lSbg“
dnfO{ lrg, a'em, hfg ;fyL †
/¨ lagfsf] l/QF] d Sofgef; x'g ;lSbg“
pbf/tf lagfsf] z"Go d cfsfz x'g ;lSbg“
cd[t lagfsf] z'is d 5ftL x'g ;lSbg“
jfT;No lagfsf] e"m7f] d sfv x'g ;lSbg“
To;}n] –
;'jf; lagfsf] ;'dg d]/f] rfxgf x'g ;Sb}g
;dk{0f lagfsf] hLjg d]/f] cf/fwgf x'g ;Sb}g .

;fyLx¿ xf]lzof/ †
xfdLx¿ h:tf] b]V5f}“ pgLx¿ To:tf xf]Ogg\
xfdLx¿ h] ;f]R5f}“ pgLx¿ Tof] xf]Ogg\
aflx/ hlt;'s} lrNnf / vf“lbnf b]lvP klg
pgLx¿ leqaf6 v;|f / vf]qmf 5g\
aflx/ hlt;'s} cUnf b]lvP klg
pgLx¿ leqleq} lvO“b} / wl:;“b} uPsf 5g\
aflx/ hlt;'s} ;'vL b]lvP klg
pgLx¿ leqleq} Jolyt / kLl8t x'“b} uO/x]sf 5g\
;f“Rr} eGg] xf] eg] pgLx¿ –
xfdLeGbf ul/a 5g\
xfdLeGbf ef]sf 5g\
xfdLeGbf gf¨f 5g\
xfdLeGbf Kof;L 5g\
xfdLeGbf /f]uL 5g\
xfdLeGbf b'MvL 5g\ .

pgLx¿nfO{ h:tf] …kjÚ / lkHhfÚ sf] ;+;f/ rflx“b}g xfdLnfO{
xfdL u'Gb|'ssf] emf]n / /fof]d} c3fp“5f}“
pgLx¿ em}“ …a8L d;fhÚ / …gfO6 nfOkmÚ sf] c§xf;df xf]Og
xfdL uf]w"lnsf] ;';]nL / ;"of{:td} d':s'/fp“5f}“
pgLx¿nfO{ em}“ …:SjfzÚ / …uf]NkmÚ v]Ng'kb}{g xfdLnfO{
xfdL 3f“;bfp/f / d]nfkftd} /dfp“5f}“
…;gafyÚ / …;fpgfÚ rflx“b}g xfdLnfO{
xfdL kx/fsf] 5x/fd} g'xfp“5f}“
…Dof8f]gfÚ, …x6 kkÚ / …xf8{ /sÚ df xf]Og
xfdL /f]bL, n}a/L / c;f/] efvfd} u'Gu'gfp“5f}“
pgLx¿ rf/ bLjf/sf] gfsfaGbLdf 5g\
:6Ln / sª\qmL6sf] s7f]/ 3]/fpdf 5g\
k|ljlwsf] afx'kfzdf k/]sf] pgLx¿
k|s[ltaf6 6fl9“b }5g\ ljs[ltlt/ glhls“b} 5g\
xfdL rf/}lt/af6 lxdwjnlu/Ldfnfx¿n] 3]l/P/
l:gUw xl/of 8f“8fsf“8fn] a]l/P/
:jR5 :j:y k|f0fjfo'n] hLjg e5f}{+
z'4 s~rg hnn] cleif]s u5f}{+
xfdL sfkmn kfs]/ n6/Dd} ePsf n]sfnL jgx¿ xf}“
xfdL nfnLu'/f“; k'mn]/ emkSs} ePsf g]kfnL dgx¿ xf}“ .

pgLx¿n] slxNo} dx;'; gu/]sf] jfT;No
oxf“ xfdL;“u 5
pgLx¿n] slxNo} cg'ej gu/]sf] c“ufnf]
oxf“ xfdL;“u 5
eg, s] xfdL pgLx¿eGbf ;'vL 5}gf} <
xfdLleqsf] cf:yfsf] åLkdf
slxNo} slxNo} glgEg] dfofsf] lbof] aN5
pgLx¿n] slxNo} cg'e"t ug{ gkfPsf] ;~r]tgf klg
oxf“ xfdLx¿;“u} 5
;dfhsf] ;d[l4sf] dfk hL=8L=kL= xf]Og hL=Pr=kL=xf]
eg, s] xfdL pgLx¿eGbf ;d[4 5}gf}“ <
xfdL cfÎgf xftx¿ hf]8]/ c¿nfO{ clegGbg ug{ ;S5f}“
xfdL cfuf]sf 8fdx¿ af]s]/ klg c¿sf] hLjgdf zLtntf 5g{ ;S5f}“
xfdL cfÎgf] 5ftLdf uf]nL yfk]/ c¿nfO{ hLjgbfg lbg ;S5f}“
ca eg ;fyL, s] xfdL pgLx¿eGbf dxfg\ 5}gf}“ <

t/ olt hfGbfhfGb} klg cem} xfdL
lsg pgLx¿s} ;d[l4 / ;Eotfsf] lk5nUu" aGg /f]H5f}“ <
cfÎgf] axfb'/Lsf] Oltxf; la;]{/ xfdL
lsg pgLx¿s} uf}/jufg ug{ vf]H5f}“ <
pgLx¿sf] l/Qmtf / ltQmtfnfO{ cfbz{ dfgL
lsg cfÎgf] kljqtf la6'nf] kfg{ rfxG5f}“ <
pgLx¿sf] cGwfg's/0f u/L
lsg cfÎgf] k|ltefsf] e|"0fxTof ug{ vf]H5f}“<
lsg k'H5f}“ pgLx¿nfO{ xfdL dxfg\ eg]/ <
lsg 9f]U5f}“ 9'¨fnfO{ xfdL b]jtf 7fg]/ <
lsg cfz / ljZjf; ylk“b}g xfd|f] cfTdzlQmdf <
lsg zª\sf nfU5 xfdLnfO{ cfÎg} k|ltef, of]Uotf / ;fdYo{df <

dfo}dfofn] Ps csf{df af“lwPsf xfdL
gft}gftfn] olt lj£g hsl8Psf xfdL
jfrf / cfzfdf olt ;fx|f] sl:;Psf xfdL
t/ of] aGwgsf] b'Mvleq}
xfd|f] k|]d 5, cf:yf 5, ;b\efj 5
dfgjLo cfbz{ / pT;u{ 5
oxL xfd|f] ;+:s[lt xf], ;Eotf xf], hLjg xf]
of] b'Mvsf] cfuf]df xfdL hlt aN5f}“ hlt hN5f}“
Tolt xfdL hLjgsf] pRrtflt/ nfU5f}“
oxL t cGt/ 5 pgLx¿ / xfdLdf
of] b'Mvsf] cfuf]n] kf]Nbf
pgLx¿ hn]/ v/fgL aG5g\
xfdL emg\ emg\ hLjGt aG5f}“ .
hL=8L=kL=GDP : Gross Domestic Product)
hL=Pr=kL= GHP : Gross Happiness Product)

cf8Da/L slj / sljtfk|lt

sljtf ltd|f] /Qm;fu/df pn{g] 5fn xf] eg]
vf]O{ t ;fu/t6sf sl;¨/x¿nfO{ To;n] aufpg ;s]sf] †
;dfhsf ljs[lt / lj;¨ltx¿nfO{ a9fg{ ;s]sf] †
sljtf ltd|f] 5ftLdf p7]sf] eSsfgf] xf] eg]
vf]O{ t j]bgfsf uf“7f]x¿nfO{ To;n] k'msfpg ;s]sf] †
lk“h8f–dgsf ;'ufx¿nfO{ p8fpg ;s]sf] †
sljtf ltd|f] Xbodf an]sf] /f“sf] xf] eg]
cGwsf/sf] ;fd|fHo km}lnPsf dgx¿df
vf]O{ t hLjgsf] cfnf]s 5g{ ;s]sf] †
sljtf ltd|f] dl:tisdf hGd]sf] dxfg\ ljrf/ xf] eg]
vf]O{ t ;dfhdf ce"tk"j{ kl/jt{g Nofpg ;s]sf] †
sljtf ;f“Rr} g} olb ;~hLjgL xf] eg]
ljjztfn] 3f“6L lyr]sf bldt OR5fx¿df
vf]O{ t gof“ pT;fx eg{ ;s]sf] †

slxn]sfxL“ t nfU5 ltd|f] /rgf
e"m7sf] df]6f] k':ts xf]
sf]/f sNkgfsf] ;:tf] pkh xf]
chLj 9f]¨L gf6s xf]
uf]xLsf] snfTds cf“;' xf]
/, g]tfsf] kmf];|f] efif0f / e"m7f] cfZjf;g xf]
h;n] ;dfh;'wf/sf] gfddf Jofkf/ u5{
b'MvLsf] ;':s]/f / cf“;'sf] t:s/L u5{
;flxTosf] ;Ddfg xf]Og pkxf; u5{ .

slj † ;dfh;“u ltd|f] cGt/¨ cGtlqm{of cTofjZos 5
vf]O{ < sxf“ 5 ltd|f] sljtfdf –
oyfy{sf] hLjGt :kGbg
eljiosf] ;':ki6 lbUbz{g
cg'ej / cg'e"ltsf] ;ª\sng
snf / ;Lksf] k|:k'm/0f
>d / nugsf] ;Ddfg
Tofu / ;dk{0fsf] dlxdfufg
Oltxf;sf kqkqsf] pTvgg
gjLg ;Tosf] cGj]if0f,
ltd|f] sljtfn] olb
kf7ssf dgdl:tisnfO{ cfGbf]lnt kfb}{g eg]
;'if'Kt cGtb{[li6nfO{ hufp“b}g eg]
sNkgfzlQmnfO{ lj:tfl/t ub}{g eg]
;f}Gbo{af]wL r]tgfnfO{ ltvfb}{g eg]
hLjgsf] cy{ / pHofnf] vf]Hg xf}:ofp“b}g eg]
;Dem, ltdL;“u} ltd|f] sljtfsf] klg d[To' eP5 .

slt n]V5f} o'jtLsf :tg / lgtDasf sljtf
slj ufp“5f} t[i0ff / of}jgsf uLt
dflg;sf] jf:tljs ;f}Gbo{sf] ;+;f/ / af}l4stfsf] hut
t leq}kl§ x'G5
slj † ca rd{rIf'n] xf]Og
;+j]bgfsf cf“vfn] dfq b]Vg ;lsg]
cflTds ;f}Gbo{sf] j[QFGt n]v
gf/L cl:dtfsf] ;Ddfgsf] cfVofg n]v
lje"lt / jL/f¨gfx¿sf] JofVofg n]v .

w]/} eof] sljtfsf] gfddf
lg/y{stf / cg'kof]lutf y'kfl/Psf]
cf8Da/ / cxª\sf/ prflnPsf]
pR5[ª\vntf / cZnLntf 8sfl/Psf]
slj † ca cfbz{ / pT;u{sf uDeL/ ;flxTo n]v
xftn] n]Vof}, snd–d;Ln] n]Vof}
ca d'6'n] n]v, /utsf yf]kf–yf]kfn] n]v .

tLj| ;+j]bgzlQm / ;"Id cGtb[{li6n]
lgbfPsfx¿nfO{ Ao"“emfpg /
5/ki6 ePsfx¿nfO{ Psd'i6 u/fpg
r]tgfsf] dzfn af]sL
af}l4stf / k|1fsf] qmflGtsf/L cu|b"t ag]/ n]v
ltdLn] klg
lxhf]sf nIdLk|;fb / cfhsf lbg]z clwsf/Ln] em}“n]v
clg ltd|f sljtf
lgZ5n kj{tLo 5x/fsf] 5ª\5ª\ tfndf
gfRb} ufp“b} clj/n k|jflxt x'g]5g\
lgisk6 efjgf / g};lu{s dfw'o{df
Xbo / dl:tisdf
xflb{stf / af}l4stfsf ufDeLo{ 5Nsfp“b} nx/fpg]5g\
ltd|f uf}/jufyf kv]6f km6\sf/]/ cfsflz“b}
dfly dfly ;u/dfyfsf] r'r'/f] r'Dg k'Ug]5g\
;Gtfgsf] cf“vfdf cfÎgf] cd/Tj b]v] em}“
ltdLn] sljtfdf cfk"m af“lr/x]sf] kfpg] 5f}
ltd|f] sljtfsf] 5fk Oltxf;sf] :d[ltel/ 6f“l;O/x]sf] kfpg]5f} .

slj † xftn] n]Vof}, snd–d;Ln] n]Vof}
ca d'6'n] n]v, /utsf yf]kf–yf]kfn] n]v .


cfk"m cfkm}“df gxfg]{ ljZjf; hufP/
cfk"m cfkm}“leq gyfSg] hf“u/ af]s]/
s0fs0fdf lhGbuLsf] ef/ prfNg] tfut lnP/
sf]dn z/L/ g} ;xL
xSo'{ln; em}“ pm cfÎgf] sf“wdf cfsfz af]Sg tTk/ 5]
k|]d / jfT;NosL vfgL pm
3fd h"gnfO{ ;d]t cfÎgf] sfvdf v]nfpg nfnflot 5]
pmleqsf] lxDdtsf] prfO s'g lzv/n] kf] 5'g ;Snf †
pmleqsf] ddtfsf] ulx/fO s'g ;fu/n] kf] gfKg ;Snf †

cfuf] nfu]sf] kl/j]znfO{ cfk"m kfgL ag]/ ;DxfNb}
ulx/f] 3fp vf]lkPsf] d'6'df dnxd ag]/ k'l/“b}
;fGTjgf–;'D;'Dofx6 / :g]xn]kn]
pm b'v]sf] lbn 5'G5], 6'6]sf] lbn hf]8\5],
;'ls;s]sf] au/df 5fn Nofp“b}
pbf; pbf; rsdGgtfdf ;¨Ltsf] ld7f; 5b}{
v8]/L / lzlz/n] phf8]/ 5f8]sf s'¿ktfdf
pm l:gUw ;f}Do ;'Gb/tf e5]{,
xl/of h¨n / jgkfvf 3'Db}
v]nfp“b} xl/0f / d[usf aRrfx¿nfO{
km}nfP/ cf“rn wtL{sf] 5ftLel/
:g]xsf c“ufnfn] pm ;anfO{ a]5]{ .

zfob Pp6f l;¨f] w/tL g} 5 pmleq
;lxlbG5] d'6'df efnf;l/ /f]kfOx¿
b'vfOsf] …P]of cfTy'Ú af]lNbg,
cfk"mnfO{ s'Nr]/ lx“8\g]
cfÎgf] 5ftLdf nfQL g} k|xf/ ug]{k|lt klg
ljb|f]xsf] x'ª\sf/ 5f]8\lbg,
tL s'NrfO / nfQLlj?4
pm s'g} u'xf/ klg dflUbg,
a¿ jlif{G5] cfsfzsf] hn;“u}
/ kvfN5] cfÎgf kL/x¿
hlt;'s} q"m/ Xbodf klg
pm sf“8f ag]/ lal¤bg,
a¿ lkOlbG5] ljif klg cd[t;l/
/ kl:slbG5] dgsf yfnLel/
c¿sf nflu dfofsf Jo~hgx¿ .

pmleqsf] ;f}Gbo{sf] ;Ddfg xf];\ gxf];\
u'/f“; / ;'gufefsf k5\of}/Lx¿n]
;dosf sf]/f{sf gLn8fdx¿ 5f]Kb}
5ftLel/ 6Gg z/b k'mnfP/
9sdSs ;okqLn] c¿sf dgsf cf“ug 9fS5],
p;sf] ;f}xfb|{sf] cfb/ xf];\ gxf];\
oftgfsf] lgi7'/L 3gn] lz/df 7f]Sbf klg
cfk"mleq b'Mvsf] kxf8} af]Sbf klg
pm c¿sf nflu cf“vfel/ s[kfs} efj kf]V5]
5ftLel/ ;dk{0fs} gbL aU5] .

s] 5 To:tf] rdTsf/ pmleq †
of] hLjg / hutnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg
pm sqf] Tofu b]vfpg ;S5],
kUn]/ cfk"m d}g em}“
c¿sf nflu rlDsnf] hLjgsf] Hof]lt 55]{,
;w}“ s?0ffs} ;fu/ ag]/
s]jn c¿s} lglDt cfk"mnfO{ k|:t't u5]{,
;Dk"0f{ Tofu / bfgs} lglDt pTk|]l/t eP/
cfk"m d]l6O{ c¿sf] eljio n]V5],
s;/L olt w]/} k|]d / ddtf pn{g ;S5 pmleq
;[li6 / ;+/rgfsf] kIfdf
pm slt ;+j]bgzLn aGg ;S5],
sxL“ ldlNsPsf] ckf¨ k'?ifTjnfO{ klg
p7fP/ cfÎgf] ue{df /fvL
ck"j{ hLjg lbg ;S5],
cfÎgf] cl:tTjsf] ;Ddfg lbg g;Sg]
k'?ifs} ;'v, ljho / bL3f{o'sf nflu
cfk"mnfO{ alnbfg lbg ;S5] .

cflb cgflbb]lv cf“wLj]x/Lx¿;“u h'w]/ slxNo} gxf/L
o'uf}“o'ub]lv r6\ofª\ / uh{gx¿ vk]/ slxNo} g8uL
;lbof}“b]lv jiff{t\x¿ ?em]/ slxNo} gunL
cgluGtL lzlz/x¿df phfl8P/ j;Gtdf k'gM df}nfp“b}
gLnf] cfsfzd'lgsf] w/tLdf zLtntf / ;'uGw km}nfp“b}
d':s'/fO/x]5 pm ;bf
cfÎgf] z/L/ sf6\g cfpg]x¿nfO{ klg 5xf/L lb“b} .

kxf8kj{tsf sfvdf pm …b]jbf?Ú eP/ af“lr/x]sf] 5
lxp“ g} lxp“sf] dfemdf pm …lqm;d; 6«LÚ eP/ xf“l;/x]sf] 5
afn'j}afn'jfsf] ;fydf pm …kfOg 6«LÚ eP/ gflr/x]sf] 5
89]/ ;"o{sf] /fkdf cfk"m kv]6f km6\km6fP/ ltdLnfO{ kª\vf xDs“b}
w"nf] / w'jf“ vfP/ klg ltd|f nflu l:gUw ;f}Do xl/ofnL af]Sb}
cd[t;l/ gl/jn kmnfpg] cfÎgf] lz/ 5]bgsf] kL8f ef]Ubf klg
jL/ ag]/ pleO/x]sf] 5 pm ;bf .

p;n] ltdLnfO{ ;bf lbPsf] dfq 5
ltdLaf6 slxNo} s]xL lnPsf] 5}g
cfunfuLaf6 cfxtx¿nfO{
;dfh / /fi6«n] s]xL /fxt glb“bf
p;n] Pp6L cfdfn] em}“ pgLx¿nfO{
jfT;Nok"0f{ sfv lbPsf] 5
dL7f] gLbsf] /ft lbPsf] 5
gf¨f] cfª\df kft lbPsf] 5
rf]vf] cª\sdfnn] ;fy lbPsf] 5 .

cfk"m an]/ ltdLnfO{ tfk lbPsf] 5
cfk"m hn]/ ltdLnfO{ k|sfz lbPsf] 5
Ps;fy ltdLnfO{ p;n]
uf;, af; / skf; lbPsf] 5
Tolt dfq xf]Og
ltd|f] d'6'sf] k|To]s 9's9'sLsf] nflu
;f; lbPsf] 5
slxNo} 3ft gx'g] ljZjf;
/ slxNo} gdg]{ cfz lbPsf] 5 .

k/f]ksf/sf] csf]{ gfd xf] j[If –
…;]ljtJof] dxfg\ j[If kmn5fof ;dlGjt
olb b}jfTkmn+ g:oft\ 5fof s]g lgjfo{t]Ú
…:jod\ g vfblGt kmnflg j[IffMÚ
slt pksf/L 5 pm slt ;]jfbfoL 5
cfk"mn] Ps bfgf cGg gvfOsg
ltd|F nflu
cfnLsf cfnL
8fnLsf 8fnL
yfnLsf yfnL
kmn kmnfp“5, k"mn k'mnfp“5, cd[t aufp“5 .
…Unf]an jfld{¨Ú af6 k[lyjLnfO{ arfp“b}
…u|Lg xfp; Uof“;Ú lgisfzg 36fp“b}
kof{j/0fLo k|b"if0f lgoGq0f ul//x]sf] 5
b'u{Gw b"if0f¿kL ljgfzsf/L bfgjx¿nfO{
u[xjf;LghLs cfpg glbO{ aLr}df /f]s]/
ltd|f] lgjf;sf] kx/]bf/ agL /x]sf] 5
slxn] uj{n] p7\b}
slxn] ljgd|tfn] e'mSb}
pGd'Qm dg lnP/ v'Nb}
x/]s k|ftM ;GWofdf r/fx¿;“u lr/la/fp“b}
x/]s uf]w"ln ;GWofdf ;';]nL xfNb} d'/nL ahfp“b}
slxn] cf¿sf k"mn agL Zj]t k'mNb}
slxn] cgf/sf k"mn agL nfnL 5b}{
pm ltd|f] cf“ugdf :ju{åf/ agL em/]sf] 5 .

ltdLn] eTsfpg vf]h]sf] ;EotfnfO{ klg p;n] arfPsf] 5
ltdLn] nTofpg vf]h]sf] ;+:s[ltnfO{ klg p;n] hf]ufPsf] 5
;Ëfn]/ k|f0fL / jg:kltsf hft–hft
p;n] cfk"mdfly Pp6f Do"lhod g} ;hfPsf] 5
lbP/ zflGtb"t a'4nfO{ Wofg / 1fg
p;n] Pp6f l;Ëf] Oltxf; g} agfPsf] 5 .

pm sfut aG5 ltd|f nflu – cfk"m lkl;P/
/ vf]kfp“5 cfÎgf] z/L/el/ sfJo
pm tfut aG5 ltd|f nflu – cfk"m hn]/
/ lbG5 pmhf{ hLjge/ lbJo
pm gub aG5 ltd|f nflu – cfk"m /]l6P/
/ lbG5 ltdLnfO{ cs"t ;DklQ
pm /ut aG5 ltd|F nflu – cfk"m d]l6P/
/ lbG5 ltdLnfO{ ;'Gb/ ;Gtlt
k"jf{Gxsf h/fh/fdf
dWofGxsf xf“ufxf“ufdf
ck/fGxsf kqkqdf
pm ltd|f] hLjgofqfsf] z'esfdgf sf]l//x]sf] x'G5
ltd|f] c~h'lnel/ cd[t el//x]sf] x'G5
ltd|f] nnf6el/ ;f}efUo 5l//x]sf] x'G5 .

p;sf ;';]nLdf uf}/jdo ufyfx¿ dfq xf]Og
cJoQm syfx¿ klg 5g\
cfkm}“df lg:;fl;“bfsf Joyfx¿ klg 5g\
pm ef]sfp“5 – t/ n'6\b}g
t8\lkG5 – t/ u'gf;f] ub}{g
56\k6fp“5 – t/ lrRRofp“b}g
pm lk/f]Nb}g s;}nfO{
hfOnfUb}g s;}dfly
cl8u 5 cfÎgf] wd{df
ljZj:t 5 cfÎgf] sd{df
k'0osf] gfddf kfk t ltdL u5f}{
dxfo1sf] gfddf dxfef/t t ltdL dRrfp“5f}
qmflGtsf] gfddf e|flGt t ltdL Nofp“5f}
a'4sf] gfddf o'4 t ltdL n8\5f}
pm t lar/f
kmf“l8G5, 9flnG5, ef“lrG5
sfl6G5, lrl/G5, RofltG5
lylrG5, lkl;G5, s'l6G5
cg]s rf]6 ;x]/ x/]s 6'qmfdf klg pm
ltd|f nflu pkof]uL ag]/ g} af“lr/x]sf] x'G5 .

hGd]s} lbgb]lv ltdLnfO{ sfvdf lnO/x]sf]
hLjge/sf] ;fyL pm
ltd|f] d[To'pk|fGt klg ;fy g} x'G5
cfk"m sfl6P/ 6'qmf–6'qmf eP/ klg
Pp6f alnof] cfwf/ agL
pm ltd|f] nfz af]S5
clg k'gM hn]/
k|s[ltsf] sfvdf
;Ddfgsf ;fy
pm ltd|f] bfx;+:sf/ u5{
ltdLnfO{ k|HHjlnt bfuaQL lbG5
ToxL j[If h;sf] cgGt pksf/k|lt
ltdLn] slxNo} s[t1tf k|s6 ug{ hfg]gf}
ToxL j[If h;sf] ;fd'
ltdLn] slxNo} >4fn] lz/ e'msfpg rfx]gf}
dfofn' xftx¿n] em}“ cfÎgf kft–kftn]
ltdLnfO{ tk{0f lbG5
ltdLnfO{ ;dflw:ynd} klg
e'ms]/ >4f~hln ck{0f u5{
cfÎgf] cl:tTj d]6]/ pm
ltd|f nflu cfÎgf] hLjg ;dk{0f u5{ .

x/]s JolQmn] cfÎgf] st{Jo ;DemL
hLjgsfndf Pp6f dfq} ¿v eP klg /f]lklbg] eP
Xbosf] Pp6f v08df j[Ifdlxdf vf]lklbg] eP
k[lyjLsf] :jf:Yo–/Iffy{ jgljgfz /f]lslbg] eP
dflg;sf] cfo' ;f“lRr g} nlDag] lyof]
w/tL ;w}+ hjfg eO/xg] lyof] .

dflg;sf] cfo' ;o jif{sf] x'G5
Pp6f ;fnsf] ¿vsf] cfo' xhf/ jif{sf] x'G5
¿vnfO{ b'vfP/ ltdLn] cfÎg} b'ef{Uo a9fO/x]5f}
¿vnfO{ ;'sfP/ ltdLn] cfÎg} cfo' 36fO/x]5f}
cfsfzaf6 Tolt l;Sg ;Sb}gf} ltdL
hlt w/tLaf6 l;Sg ;S5f}
k"mnaf6 Tolt l;Sg ;Sb}gf} ltdL
hlt ¿vaf6 l;Sg ;S5f}
w]/} eof] k"mn}k"mnsf u'R5fx¿ ;hfPsf]
k"mn}k"mnsf e'mKkfx¿;“u dfofk|Llt nufPsf]
ca ¿vsf syf klg ;“ufNg l;s
¿vsf Joyf klg c“ufNg l;s
l;h{gfsf clnslt aLh w/tLdf /f]kL
d'6'leqsf] clnslt dfof ¿vdf kf]vL
¿vsf u'0fx¿ cfTd;ft\ ug{ l;s
cfÎgf kfkx¿sf] kZrftfk ug{ l;s
j[Ifn] h:t} ;lxi0f'tf 5b}{
j[If em}“ :jfledfg aGg l;s
dg'io †
j[Ifsf] :jefj ca cfk"mdf :yflkt ug{ l;s .

Translation of Sandhya's poems into English…..
M. B. Pradhan, Darjeeling
(KTM, July 2012)
Lust for life

Wearisome trudge our life though
In years galore,
Dying---a difficult song to sing
When lust for life appears
Insatiably intense.

Blossomed for long as rhododrendon
Radiating light all around,
Fell head over heels in love umpteen times
To my heart's content;
Bloomed in luxuriance on boughs;
Yet relinguishing beauty and charm tormenting
When lust for life appears
Insatiably intense.

Glided like rainwater creating drains
Bled deep in heart and flowed
Gurgled like a cascading waterfall
Alas I so agonising to go dry
When lust for life appears
Insatiably intense.

Cool and comforting the shade
On undulating hills and dales,
In recollections people wonder how
Love grows fonder ..
In turning love immortal
Immolating inner self excruciating
When lust for life appears
Insatiably intense.

Eyes full of hopes dreams replete with gleams,
Drops of diamonds roll down the cheeks
Dampening the spirits,
Hiding the flood of tears in eyes
With aching heart,.
Smile an inconceivable phenomenon
When lust for life appears
Insatiably intense.

Awesome is the spectacle when
Rainbow splashes vermillion on
Mt Himalaya's forehead,
To see hills and valleys dotted,
With kith and kin for generation
Is pleasing indeed.
But you and I to depart
leaving them behind is painful
When lust for life appears
Insatiably intense.

An immortal composition will I dare
Even if death at me stares,
Scatter life giving pollen from above
And descend even if I have to.
Gurgle far down the hills and plains
Even if I go dry,
And glow like fireflies and perish
In flames if I have to.

Ode to a tree

Exposed to the tempest from time immemorial
But not beaten,
Battling against lightning thunder
Down the ages;
But not lost
Smitten by blistering rains
For centuries together,
But not shaken,
Shorn of all its beauty in winter
Yet reborn in grandeur in spring,
Spreading fragrance and freshness,
To earth under the azure sky;
Forever smiling even providing shelter
To criminals raising arms for slaughter.

Standing upright as an oak tree
On the mountains,
Smiling as a ‘Christmas Tree’
In its abode of snows
Dancing as a ‘Pine Tree’ smeared
With sands all over,
In the grueling heat of the sun
You flap your wings constantly,
To provide pleasant whiff of air.
Inhales himself the dust and smoke
To bring lively breeze
And refreshing greenery in abundance.
Suffering from pangs of dislocation
The nectar bearing coconut tree
Still stands a hero as always.

To you he has always provided
Has taken nothing from you ever,
The people annihilated
By spate of river and floods
Depleted by earthquakes
And lost their hearth and home,
Shattered by all destroying fire
And failing to receive any succour,
From society and state
He has sustained them
As an affectionate mother
A lap full of tenderness
A cloak to naked body
And an embrace of friendship.

Enkindled himself to provide
Warmth and kindly light
Blessed you with food, shelter and cloth;
For every throb of your heart
Be proffered
Reassuring faith and hope
Service to humanity
Is synonymous to tree
Terraces dotted with verdant trees
Boughs laden with mellowed fruits
Plates overflowing
Gorgeous sights, nature's bounty
Flowers - its riot of colours
And the nectar flows
Bent on rescuing our earth from global warming
Liberate from green house gas,
Common people aided greatly
Shunted our monsters of Environmental pollution
Served as a sentinel to your home.
To debar such elements
Show their ugly heads
Takes infinite pride to observe
Lies low sometimes in humility
Unfolds in untrammelled freedom
Is in tune with chirping birds,
At the first flush of dawn,
Singing with cooing winds
Whistling in ecstasy at twilight
Disguised himself as peach tree
Of dazzling brilliance in full bloom
Like pomegranate tree
That charms and transforms
Your courtyard into
A gateway to heaven.

He has preserved the civilization
You wanted to demolish
He has safeguarded your culture
That you paid no heed to,
Turned himself into
A museum classifying
Creatures and plant life.
It carries history on its back
Granting Buddha.
The ambassador of piece a platform
For serene meditation and wisdom.

Pulverised and transformed
Into a paper, that allows
Imprints of poignant poems
All over,
Provides vigour and vitality
Replenished energy divine throughout
Burning himself
Produces crispy currency notes
Putting himself to grindstone
And changed into smooth pulps
Decimates himself to provide
Lifeblood to very second, minute
And hour of your life
Overflowing your cup
With nectar-divine fluid
And strewing luck on the vast expanse
Of your forehead

In the tunefold song of his leaves
Are woven the heroic story
Of untold tales of suffocation woes
He is hungry but never steals
Tormented but never complains
Cringes and moans
But never laments
Hurts anyone, never
Assaults none ever
Stands committed to
His sound principle
Trusts himself and on his deeds
In the name of religion often
You commit a sin.
In the name of religion,
For a life after death
You wage a war.
Create havoc, a mutiny.
In the name of revolution
You bring delusion
On some flimsy pretexts
You raise hue and cry.
But poor friend of ours
Gets severed, cut, slashed,
Felled, torn, crushed, slit, broken
Ripped and split asunder
Into pieces
Even he tolerates
The buffets of misfortune
Remains beneficial to you
Till the bitter end.

He holds you in his arms
From birth,
A friend forever.
He carries your dead body
A strong base for you to
Fall back upon;
Solemnizes your last rite
Cremates your body honourably
On the bosom of nature
Lights the last lamp of
Your journey's end.

For his infinite goodness
Ever expressed you gratitude ?
Never held your head low
In reverence before him.
Through its affectionate leaves
Fall the drops of sincere tribute
Pays homage respectfully
On your gravestone
Sacrifices its own existence
To make you live forever.

Duty bound if every individual
Plants a sapling,
Writes with indelible ink
Deep on his heart,
The greatness of a tree
Stops deforestation to protect
The health of our mother earth
Man will increase
His longevity
And earth
Will always be seen
In the prime of
Her youth.

A man's span of life
Is mere hundred years
One should know
By tormenting at tree
He increases his own misfortune
Starving and emaciating a tree
You shorten your own existence
From the wide fermament
You do not learn so much
As you do from earth
You can't learn so much
From a flower
As you do from a tree.
With flowers we adorned many
Expressed our love with bouquets
Now learn to share his despondency
Its distressful stories we should comprehend.
On this fertile soil
Learn to plant some seeds of creation
And express eloquently
Your deepest love from
The innermost apartment
Of your heart.
Its attributes of excellence
Learn to identify and emulate
For the enormous sin committed
Against the tree,
Learn to be penitent.
Disseminating seeds of forebearnace
Like a tree
Learn the lesson of self-respect
And establish in yourself
Oh man!
The characteristic nature
Of a tree.

cf8Da/L slj / sljtfk|lt
A Pedantic Poet and His Poems

If poetry is the billowy waves
That surge in your mind
Filled with violent emotions
Utterly it failed why
to cleanse the muck and filth of the shore.
Liberate society from shackles
Of unfairness and incongruities.
If poetry is the unrelenting
violent outburst of emotions,
It flunked why to untie
the knots of agony and affliction
Or let fly caged-in peacocks
Of sense and sensibilities.
If poetry is the blazing inferno
Of you restless soul,
Why it failed to illuminate
Your mind from encircling gloom.
If it is the facile sentiment
A product fine of your higher intellect
Why it failed again to bring about
A revolutionary change.
It poetry is the life-force
Why it succeeded never
To bestow life and light
To our natural predilections
Crushed under untold
Deadening predicaments.

Your poetic creations
Sometimes I feel and wonder
Is an incredible bundle
Of downright lies,
A figment of your unseasoned imagination
A rare dramatic demonstration
Of ostentation and conceit;
An artful display
Of crocodile tears
A demagogue's frivolous speech
Of fake assurances,
In social networking who indulges.
Is a trafficker in tears and sighs
Of the lowly and the lost.

Hail Poet !
The need of the hour
Towards your society
Is your intimacy and commitment.
Where can I look for realism
Pulsating with life in your poem
Providing directions loud and clear,
A pleasant admixture
Of experience and understanding
A lively emergence of art and skill
An exaltation of labour and resolve
A glorification of sacrifice and dedication
An excavation of hisory
In layers
A quest for newer truth.

If your poetic creation fails
To stir the minds and intellect
Of teeming millions
Arouse their sense and susceptibilities
Their inward eye in slumber
Sharpen the sense
Of everything that is beautiful,
Inflame their zeal and passion
In quest of newer meaning
Of life and enlightenment,
Soon you will rest assured
hear the death-knell
Of your journey's end
And of your poetry.

Of physical seductiveness
Of womenfolks you have composed
Poems long enough and Sang
Sensuous songs of love and lust;
The world of beauty and wisdom
Make no mistake,
Lies deep within.
Look never with your outward eye
Watch with your keen eye
Of delicate sensibilities
And dwell at length at
The infinite beauty of inner self;
Hallow the dignity of womenfolks
And prolifically write on heroics
Of our great valiants.

M. B. Pradhan reciting the translated poem
"Ode to a tree "
Sandhya Regmi with M. B. Pradhan

Aarjit Adhikary with M. B. Pradhan

M. B. Pradhan with Sherpa Dancers
ar]/fnfO{ cfxf/
(Nourishemnt for babybirds)

Particulars of the released book

Book Title
“Bachera lai Ahaar”
(Nourishment for babybirds)
(ISBN 978-9937-2-2155-9)
Kamal Raj Regmi, Sandhya Regmi
Sandhya Regmi
Dr. Dinesh Raj Shiwakoti
A collection of father’s letters
and diary to his daughter

Commentaries on the book:

One needs strong determination and magnanimous heart to expose highly personal and sensitive materials as personal letters and private diaries to public eyes. This resulting rare publication of this kind has emerged as an excellent source of literature in the multi-fields of politics, history, national linguistics and education.
No matter how complicated and diverse path Mr. Kamal Raj Regmi had to walk through throughout his life, his thoughts, behaviours and deeds can been seen to have integrally and consistently fused together and focused in attending freedom, justice and prosperity of mankind. His philanthropic doctrine, selfless leadership, fights for freedom, devotion for humanity and perennial novel deeds for betterment of mankind have established himself as an inspirational source of humanity. He is a legendary figure of the nation, a prideful son of mother Nepal.
-Dr. Dinesh Raj Shiwakoti (Ph. D. Engineering)

‘Bacherlai Ahaar’ can be compared with the highly popular book of Nehru to his daughter India Gandhi ‘Father’s letters to his daughter’ although this book is materially different in terms of time period, contents and context. While Nehru’s letters focus on historical evolution of mankind, Kamal Raj Regmi’s letters focus on contemporary events and thoughts and synthesize them into philosophical framework.
-Prof. Dr. Sudha Tripathi

These letters and diaries shall serve as continuous source of inspiration, guidance and support for me throughout my life, especially whenever I have to pass through tough time. I believe they shall be able to guide and lead numerous other people to come across difficult time in their life and help them lead honest, responsible, truthful, disciplined, philanthropic and happy life.
-Sandhya Regmi

cfdfsf clj:d/0fLo ctLtx¿ / d
( a mother's true story)

Particulars of the released book
Book Title
“Aamaka awismaraniya ateetharu ra ma”
(ISBN 978-9937-2-2155-9)
Author &
Sandhya Regmi
Adwiteeya Shiwakoti
A perpetual and lively story of a mother-
full of struggle, perseverance, deed,
love, compassion, devotion,
magnanimousness and eternalness
Commentaries on the book:
In Nepali literature, although several writings have appeared on women over the past 20-30 years, this unique book has, for the first time, opened new frontier on women’s supremeness, love, sufferings, etc. The book is comparable with the novels, Margaret Mitchell’s “Gone with the Wind” (1954) and Leo Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina” (1928), and is an expression of the writer’s profound respect for her mother. To understand the magnificence, delightfulness and tenderness of life, this book must be read and embraced by all, especially by literature writers.

- Madan Mani Dixit

This book is uniquely characterized by its success in raising consciousness on femininity and its prominence in society.

- Prof. Dr. Sudha Tripathi

I believe this book is the timely blessing for the society. No one would ever dare to disrespect women anymore, after reading this book.

-Sulochana Manandhar

This book has influenced and revolutionized my heart and mind.

- Bhagirathi Shrestha

This book is capable to influence each reader in recognizing the value of and devotion to motherhood.

- Dr. Gyanu Pandey

Female has special latent power, which erupts in time of need- which is what happened to Bimala Regmi.

- Geeta Keshari

I felt as if the mother’s story in the book is my own mother’s story.

- Ganga Karki